Recognize Your Man’s Romantic Intent When He Wants to Do Things Together

Recognize Your Man’s Romantic Intent When He Wants to Do Things Together June 4, 2021

Recognize Your Man’s Romantic Intent When He Wants to Do Things Together

When Marc and Sophia decided to do date nights once a month, Sophia couldn’t wait to see what Marc would plan. Maybe he would take her to that new restaurant in the city … pack a picnic dinner for them to eat on a blanket in the park … or treat her to a harbor cruise. When he revealed their destination—an indoor archery range to take their first lesson together—her heart sank. Her visions of relaxation, romance, and intimate conversation were dashed. Marc was disappointed too—that she didn’t share his excitement over trying a new activity together!

Ladies, when you envision romance, I’m guessing that what you picture is similar to what Sophia had in mind. Since we were little girls, those kinds of picturesque dates have seemed wonderfully romantic to us. And we care about romance. But unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we’ve come to assume that our man doesn’t care about romance at all!

Through interviewing and surveying thousands of men in my For Women Only research, I discovered something that really surprised me and helped my own marriage: most men (84%!) care about romance just as much as their wives do! The issue is that although many guys enjoy the traditional candlelight-and-flower dinner dates too, romance often simply looks different to a guy.

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