Male-Bashing Is Really No Joke!

Male-Bashing Is Really No Joke! January 18, 2022

A Little Kindness Goes A Long Way

In our society, kindness needs all the help it can get. One simple act can make a difference: when you see disrespect in a joke or comment, call it out. Speak up when you see male-bashing. And boost the signal when you see examples of men being praised and respected in the right way. Share commercials and videos that honor men, not tear them down.

For example, we recently shared a story about a group of men getting involved to improve the conditions at their local high school—a great example of men stepping up to lead with integrity. These are the kinds of depictions that accurately and respectfully honor the men around us who are not just doing their best, but doing good.

Let’s be honest: it is probably easier to be destructive than constructive. But making the real effort—and recognizing the work of others—can help reverse the tide of unintentional (and, unfortunately, sometimes intentional) disrespect toward men. And make us far more appreciative of our men and boys at the same time.

So let’s be the antidote to male-bashing in our culture by highlighting the praiseworthy behavior and examples of good, strong, wise men in our own corner of the world.

And if you are feeling a bit convicted about how you’ve been speaking to your husband or son (or about what others have been hearing you say), check out the 30-Day Kindness Challenge. It is one of the best methods we’ve ever seen for stopping bad verbal habits and building great ones—with statistically proven, life-changing results in the relationships of the people who participate.


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