10 Encouraging Facts About Marriage You Need to Hear and Share

10 Encouraging Facts About Marriage You Need to Hear and Share May 10, 2022

Couple standing while wearing wedding attire

How often do you hear someone toss out negative comments about the state of marriage today? For example:

  • “Half of marriages end in divorce.”
  • “The pandemic was brutal for marriages.”
  • “Divorce has been rising for years.”
  • “Churchgoers don’t do any better at marriage.”

Most conventional wisdom about marriage today is depressing—and yet most of it is also not true!

Unfortunately, there are damaging consequences to believing these urban legends. Young couples become more skeptical and more likely to avoid getting married. Struggling couples subconsciously think failure is inevitable eventually, so they lose motivation and stop trying.

Even your ordinary churchgoer is affected; they might wonder if doing what the Bible says about marriage doesn’t make a difference, what does that say about the Bible?

Instead of believing and spreading the falsehoods, let’s be aware of and spread the truth: that there is far more good news about marriage than most people realize. Yes, there is also much to work on. But we can have hope for marriage! We need to share that truth and the following positive facts.

And if you’ve been following my blog for a while and are already benefitting from knowing these truths about marriage, I encourage you to share this article with someone who needs to hear this encouraging news!

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