The Leprechaun Trap (Why Comparing Ourselves Is a Trap!)

The Leprechaun Trap (Why Comparing Ourselves Is a Trap!) March 15, 2019

I’ve discovered something. When I spend time a lot of time scrolling through social media, it messes with my head. It can leave me feeling a little, well . . . less than.

Can you relate? One minute you’re catching up with friends and seeing pictures of their families. And the next minute—wham. Photos of someone’s latest spectacular dinner party with place settings made of raffia and freshly grown herbs. Or the newly organized office space of a friend that would make Marie Kondo sniff away a tear of pride. Or what about an acquaintance who has (yet again!) pulled together an amazing trip, complete with coordinating family outfits, themed activities and a downloadable playlist from iTunes?

It can make even the most self-assured woman wonder why in the world she couldn’t be more like . . . almost anyone else on Pinterest?!

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I wanted to share an excerpt from my upcoming devotional called Find Peace: A 40-Day Devotional Journey for Moms. This story always makes me chuckle, especially when I find myself falling into this all-too-familiar comparison trap. And it also reminds me that God does not intend for us to live this way! He has gifted us each differently, and has good things for all of us. We just have to take our eyes off the comparisons and notice the great things about our lives!

Read on and enjoy!

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