Love Astrology Forecast, March 10-12, 2017 (Plus Romance Tips!)

Love Astrology Forecast, March 10-12, 2017 (Plus Romance Tips!) March 9, 2017

In astrology, the sex drive is ruled by Mars. Mars has just entered the Sign of Taurus, which could make things really… interesting… for your love life and the love lives of those around you. Mars in Aries was impulsive and goal-oriented. Mars in Taurus has a reputation for being slow to act and irritable and hard to burst out of its routines… yet can nonetheless be incredibly passionate. When you consider that Venus is currently retrograde (and will be until well into April) your best approach to your love life may be to make do with what you’ve got instead of trying to aim for a brand new Dream Relationship. Then again, if you prefer passionate rutting to True Romance, now may be the time to make your move!


FRIDAY: Moon in Virgo normally isn’t very impulsive, but this evening it’s forming a supportive trine to Mars in Taurus. So, think “Virgin,” sure… but more specifically, think in terms of “relatively easily persuaded Virgin.”


SATURDAY: The Moon is opposite Neptune during the evening, which softens Moon in Virgo and makes it a little dreamier, kind of like it’s building up to something…


SUNDAY: …like a Full Moon! You’ll be feeling the effects of this as early as Saturday evening and during the day on Sunday. Full Moons are full of feeling but they aren’t very stable, even when they’re in normally-sane Virgo. Literally and figuratively, consider having a Designated Driver.



People with Sun or Moon in Cancer have strong emotions and aren’t afraid to convey that — but it’s still your job to figure out what exactly it is they need or are getting at.




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