Weathering the Storm – a complementary compendium of hope

Weathering the Storm – a complementary compendium of hope May 18, 2020

weathering the storm

Written in three parts, psychological, spiritual and practical, Weathering the Storm is an anthology offering support to those of us who are isolated or vulnerable.

The book has a primary Pagan focus but will be of interested to all those interested in Mind Body Spirit matters and in alternative lifestyles and spiritualities.

Covering areas from loneliness and anxiety, self-care and gardening, to cooking and crystals, Weathering the Storm is a book designed to help everyone through uneasy, unprecedented times.

A complementary compendium of hope, from the writers and publishers behind Moon Books.

Where do I get it?

Downloadable from the usual places.

On a lot of sites you can download the ebook for FREE.

On others it can be downloaded or the teeny tiny price of 99p/$1.20

Google books also have it available to download for FREE.

For stockists see

Who wrote it?

With a preface by Mike Stygal, and edited by Trevor Greenwood, this ebook contains articles from:

Cat Treadwell

Irisanya Moon

Nimue Brown

Elen Sentier

Melusine Draco

Natalia Clarke

Frances Billinghurst

Kenn Day

Yvonne Ryves

Imelda Almqvist

Mabh Savage

Maria DeBlassie

Danu Forest

Chris Allaun

Andrew Anderson

Lucya Starza

Robin Corak

Dorothy Abrams

Rachel Patterson

Ellen Evert Hopman

Alaric Albertsson

Luke Eastwood

Rebecca Beattie

Scott Irvine

Debi Gregory



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