Written in three parts, psychological, spiritual and practical, Weathering the Storm is an anthology offering support to those of us who are isolated or vulnerable.
The book has a primary Pagan focus but will be of interested to all those interested in Mind Body Spirit matters and in alternative lifestyles and spiritualities.
Covering areas from loneliness and anxiety, self-care and gardening, to cooking and crystals, Weathering the Storm is a book designed to help everyone through uneasy, unprecedented times.
A complementary compendium of hope, from the writers and publishers behind Moon Books.
Where do I get it?
Downloadable from the usual places.
On a lot of sites you can download the ebook for FREE.
On others it can be downloaded or the teeny tiny price of 99p/$1.20
Google books also have it available to download for FREE.
For stockists see https://www.johnhuntpublishing.com/moon-books/our-books/weathering-storm
Who wrote it?
With a preface by Mike Stygal, and edited by Trevor Greenwood, this ebook contains articles from: