Catch me going live…

Catch me going live… November 5, 2020

Catch me going live…

kitchen witch, rachel patterson

One of the positives to come out of the bizarre world situation we are in at the moment is the emergence of ‘going live’ across various social media platforms.

It has been a way of keeping in touch with family and friends via Zoom, Skype or social media.  For me, it has meant that I can work face to face with students no matter where they live.

I was scheduled for a number of talks at various events this year, all of which were postponed. Going live has meant that I can still give those talks.  And in fact it has opened up a wider audience. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can access my talks via the internet.

Many new friendships and connections have been made, for which I am truly grateful.

Friday Magic Chat

It started with a weekly live chat.  Just me drawing a Flower Magic oracle card, talking about it and working a corresponding spell.  That was in April 2020, from then it has grown to a weekly talk about all kinds of Witchcraft subjects.  It has been a fascinating journey and I have connected with so many amazing people.  Friday Magic will be continuing every Friday morning for the foreseeable future.

Find me on my fb author page, every Friday morning, 9am UK time

And then it grew…

Moon Books Live Sessions

The publisher, Moon Books began weekly author talks.  Every Wednesday evening, 7pm UK time on their fb page.  A different author each week talking on all sorts of subjects from witchcraft to shamanism to psalms in hoodoo.  I was honoured to kick start the talks back in July.  The talks are continuing  each week right through until the end of November.  Replays of past talks can be found on their facebook page or their YouTube channel

Online Rituals and Waffling Witches

My own online School of Witchcraft also jumped on the live band wagon.  We have been holding regular live online sabbat rituals and Waffling Witches chats.

Online Rituals – Previous rituals can be found on my YouTube channel and the next one is for Yule on Sunday 20th December.

Waffling Witches – Previous Waffling Witches chats can also be found on my YouTube channel and the next one of those will air on 15th November.

The live Kitchen Witch rituals and Waffling Witches are held in our Kitchen Witch Coven facebook group

Shooting the Wild Witch Breeze

And from a chance meeting in an online chat, myself and fellow author Elen Sentier decided to produce a fortnightly online chat too.  Two eccentric ‘ole witches, ‘shooting the wild witch breeze’ – chatting about all sorts of different subjects.  The pre-recorded video will hit the Moon Books facebook page every other Thursday at 7pm UK time.  Starting Thursday 5th November 2020.

Appearing on both the Moon Books YouTube channel and my own.

Flower Magic Talk

Sunday 8th November, 4pm UK time over on my fb author page – join me as I talk about Flower Magic, read a few oracle cards and revealing a brand new product from the Children of Artemis shop.

Odds and bobs

Here are some recordings of talks I have given this year:
Witchfest – Talk on magical herbs and food –
Scottish Pagan Federation – Talk on Witchcraft into the wilds –
Pagan Tribal Gathering – I have given several talks for the PTG in their private group, the recent talk on Samhain herbs and plants can be found on their public page
Curative Magic – I gave a talk about my latest book, Curative Magic –
Fika with Vicky – Vicky and I had a blast of a chat on her radio show, the podcast can be found here

PT Paranormal – recording of a live chat with the PT Paranormal chaps


Myself, Moon Books, Elen Sentier and the Kitchen Witch posse will continue to work with live videos for the foreseeable future.

Come on over and join in the shenanigans!



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