February 27, 2018

You can begin to feel the change.  The earth is waking properly albeit that some parts of the globe may still be covered in snow, but the sun is gaining in strength.  As the month progresses we will start to see and feel that spring air.  Plants, animals and humans are feeling those familiar stirrings…oeerrr.   Everything is fresh, new and young. Read more

February 19, 2018

I receive quite a few queries on a regular basis asking about spells to protect children, especially if they are being bullied.  Bear in mind that I have experienced this situation as a parent myself.  I have made some suggestions below, they won’t sit well with everyone and they won’t be relevant to all, so take what works for you and your child, if it helps.  They can of course be used for adults, because bullying doesn’t just happen to children.  As a parent our first reaction is to break out the Viking in us and go on a rampage...whilst this may make you feel better initially it probably isn't the best course of action...and quite frankly I don't have the beard for it... Read more

February 14, 2018

Want to know what to work into your love spells? These are just some suggestions, as always I encourage you to trust your own intuition and go with what works for you... Read more

February 7, 2018

Many animal spirit guides will come in the form of winged creatures and these have carried magic with them for thousands of years.  Many deities have bird sidekicks and all manner of winged fanciful creatures – legends and myths are full of them. Read more

January 30, 2018

This is a bit of an unpredictable month. The weather never knows what it is doing. The first signs of spring are making an effort (depending where you are in the world of course) and then the snow dumps on top of them. But the signs of the earth beginning to awaken are there…somewhere. The year spreads open before us full of potential even if we have to wrap up warm in seventeen layers of clothing still. Read more

January 27, 2018

It is totally your call as to whether you are comfortable using animal parts in magic whether it is in spell workings, divination or on your altar to honour the animal. Personally I find them very useful and a way to honour the animal. Read more

January 22, 2018

The beginnings of Spring…apparently, although this can be difficult to connect with if you are still covered in snow. When the earth begins to stir and life begins to awaken. It is the time of year when livestock will start to give birth to the first young of the year. It also marks the centre point of the dark half of the year. The farmers start to plough their fields now in preparation for planting. Read more

January 17, 2018

The beautiful full moon in all her glory: Her magic and correspondences. A full moon is not just for divination! Read more

January 8, 2018

Sometimes there are situations that warrant action or reaction and sometimes it is not easy to decide what course to take. Read more

January 2, 2018

I tend to work a lot with meditation and divination in January to gain insight and ideas for the coming months. Look within and really ‘see’ what needs to be done, sorted, tweaked or re-balanced to create the life you want. My recommendation is to take this month slowly. Most of us ate too much last month and it would probably have been an incredibly hectic month. So take your time getting back into routine (I love a good routine too). Read more

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