September 25, 2020

There are many different names for animal guides and it depends on what tradition or pathway you follow and a lot of them seem to be interchangeable. Totem appears to be one of the more commonly used terms although it is often associated with Native American and Aboriginal tribes, then there is animal spirit guide, messenger, companion, kindred animal, counsellor, fetch, medicine, ally and power animal to name but a few. Read more

September 13, 2020

As we head into autumn I can feel her...the time of The Cailleach draws near. For those of you that don't know me, The Cailleach is my matron goddess and has been with me for many years. She is a feisty, kick bottom, grumpy 'ole bint, but she has proved me with support and guidance whenever I have needed it, even if I didn't know it at the time. Read more

September 11, 2020

I don’t follow the dates on a calendar, I watch and feel what Mother Nature is doing and the energies around me.  In my corner of South East England autumn is beginning to show her face, so for me the season of autumn equinox has begun. Although scientifically speaking the autumn equinox happens on just one day I don’t restrict my celebrations to just 24 hours, I like to  spread over several weeks.  Beginning when I feel the chill of autumn in the air (this year it started at the end of the first week of September) until after the actual equinox when I begin to get Samhain vibes. Read more

September 4, 2020

There are several types of meditation and it is all about finding a method that works for you.  Some of the methods often take a bit of practice and others require a bit of experience behind you as well.  There will be a method that suits you and there are things you can do to boost your skills. Read more

August 25, 2020

A lot of us work spells on occasion (or more often) but usually any instructions found in books or online just say ‘dispose of the remnants once done’ or sometimes not even that. How do you know when a spell is finished and has worked its magic? There is no straightforward answer but here are some options. Read more

August 22, 2020

Are your energy reserves running low?  Do you need a bit of a boost or on the flip side are you too full of energy and on a complete sugar rush?  You might even be experiencing both flips of the energy coin, one minute you are rushing around like a mad thing and the next you feel like someone pulled out the plug.  Take a chill pill (seriously can’t believe I just used that expression…) but really do, having such extremes of energy is not good, time to take a check on how and why.  Read more

August 17, 2020

I like to think of a poppet as a person shaped spell holder. Use them for love, luck, protection, prosperity and healing. Read more

August 7, 2020

Fertility doesn’t just mean the pitter patter of tiny feet it can also mean fertility of new ideas, new beginnings and projects.   Fertility of the procreation kind does need a bit of help, casting a spell can aid the process but obviously there are other things you will need to do too… Read more

August 3, 2020

​Tap into the power of nature and learn how to unleash your inner magic to navigate modern-day life and the issues the universe throws at you. Curative Magic shows you how to work with the tools that witchcraft provides, including spells, rituals, and herbs as well as meditation and recipes. Read more

July 31, 2020

Not quite full…but getting there.  Waxing means that the visible Moon we see is getting bigger. Gibbous refers to the shape which is larger than the semi-circle that we saw at the first quarter but smaller than a full circle. Read more

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