“Be Not Afraid!”
It’s been said that this phrase appears in the Bible 365 times, once for every day of the year. While the exact number may vary depending on which translation you use, it’s safe to say that the message appears hundreds of times. Not to be a buzzkill or anything, but did you ever ask yourself, “Why?” With all of the craziness going on in the world, why shouldn’t we be afraid?
God: “I Am With You and Will Strengthen You”
The Lord tells us exactly why we shouldn’t be afraid and his answer is direct and to the point. Never promising to take away our problems, he promises something even better:
Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
No matter what you are facing right now (cancer, unemployment, loneliness, mental illness, uncertainty), the God of the Universe is with you and will strengthen you.
God: “I Am Holding Your Hand”
If that doesn’t take your fear away, here’s another image to ponder. Not only is the Lord walking with you, but he’s also doing something else:
For I am the LORD, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, Do not fear, I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Just as a parent holds the hand of a small child to protect him from harm, God is holding your hand as you walk through this day. He will protect, strengthen and help you. What else do you need?