August 5, 2015

"Polytheism and Polyamory are a Natural Combination," wrote Melissa Hill in Agora a couple of weeks ago. I agree, but I think that in order to have a relationship, be it human or divine, one must also have devotion. As a polyamorous and polytheistic person, I believe that sometimes this is left out of the narrative, and I don't think it should be. Read more

August 1, 2015

It's a strange footnote of history. Germany never invaded Britain. Dion Fortune organized an extraordinary act of magick to stop the Nazis from touching British soil. Was this the reason? And how can this benefit us today? (Reposted from Gods & Radicals). Read more

July 25, 2015

The traditional Lammas associations may not work so well for some of us, especially those of us in cities. So what do you do for your daily bread? What sort of harvest did you reap? Here is a simple ritual for Lammas for the urban Pagan. Read more

July 22, 2015

Is it actually possible to "harm none?" Ultimately it seems to me that the true meaning of the Rede is this: "Nothing is forbidden; but everything has a consequence." Read more

July 17, 2015

Books for solitary practitioners usually name the pentacle as one of the traditional witch's tools, but don't do a very good job of explaining why you would use it or what to do with it. It's time to fix that. Read more

July 14, 2015

Today we kissed the God of the Underworld and the farthest commonly-known "planet" in our solar system: Pluto. I don't know if I can effectively communicate my joy and excitement! Read more

July 13, 2015

In the next episode of her popular Sit for a Spell witchcraft YouTube video series, Sable demonstrates how to dry and store herbs, cautions you against some of the pitfalls, and recommends a few books. Read more

July 10, 2015

In modern Wicca, we don’t have a lot of commandments, and creedal statements that we are all pledged to believe. But that doesn't mean that we don't have theology and ethics - just that we express them in less obvious ways. In fact, there are many unspoken beliefs that we think of as being essentially "Wiccan." Where do they come from? The answer is the Charge of the Goddess. Read more

July 4, 2015

It's Midsummer! Back after a long absence, Sable takes you on a tour of her yard in the Okanagan Valley, finding and talking about useful herbs that probably grow in your lawn. (Temperate zone 6A-6B) Read more

July 2, 2015

Wiccan theology is actually very complex. It is perfectly valid to interpret Wicca as duotheism, deism, polytheism, animism, shamanism, pantheism, panentheism, monotheism, agnosticism or atheism; and I know Wiccans who hold all of these views, often at the same time. Read more

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