Aha! Praha– The Prague Report– Part Six

Aha! Praha– The Prague Report– Part Six November 11, 2014

Let’s face it, towering old cathedrals are not likely to be a fave rave of children, so just behind the cathedral was a little aviary of sorts. Here are some of the birds we saw….


If you are wondering why this snowy owl has his eyes so wide open in the middle of day, notice the beverage behind him they’ve been giving him to drink!

If you think that exhibit is for the birds, then there are alternatives up here on top of Prague’s castle hill. For example, you can dress up like the castle belongs to you…

Me personally, I’d much prefer to listen to traditional Czech music in the town square, which we did. Bought the CD too…. they were good!!

While you’re standing there listening to music you can either :1) look down and notice the groovy manhole covers…
vit32 or you can 2) look over the wall of the castle and notice the miniature Eiffel tower here in Prague…not accidentally near the French embassy!vit36

or 3) you can contemplate a ride in a three wheeler on offer just down the hill from the castle….

or 4) you could try and decipher this bank advertisement…
or 5) You could look down the river….

So many choices, so little time. What we decided to do instead is walk across the most ancient and decorate of the bridges over the Moldau….

On which bridge you could be incarcerated and made a public example of….

Or you could again listen to a little musical group playing on the bridge, although this one was not as good as the earlier one….
vit44 Tubas are not my favorite instrument. Or you could stare at the statues of various saints on the bridge…

Anyway you cut it, it’s lots of fun, and good exercise as well! It’s not a surprise that the local artists and photographers love to do shots of what’s happening on the bridges.

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