The Reviews are In!

The Reviews are In! November 5, 2018

“This is historical fiction at its best.” (World Magazine, October 27, 2012)

“Ben Witherington III, a good creative writer and accomplished NT scholar, has given us a treat in his short novel A Week in the Life of Corinth. Rather than providing a list of facts about life and culture in NT times, Witherington has composed an interesting story in which we can see and learn this information along the way. This will be a fun way to enhance our understanding of the world in which the NT takes place―and it would be helpful for preachers to read some good fiction along the way!” (Ray Van Neste, Preaching, November/December 2012)

“The book would be an ideal introduction to a course on 1 Corinthians, or to a course on Paul and his mission. It is easy to read, but very well informed by Witherington’s scholarship.” (David Wenham, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 35(5))

“As I have been teaching on 1 Corinthians, I found this work very beneficial. Not only is the storyline intriguing, but this book also presents itself as a pedagogical tool. Here students can ‘feel’ what life must have been like in first century Graeco-Roman society―a culture foreign to many of us today. Witherington’s book brings biblical times alive and is thus a wonderful gift to the church. It brings us closer to our spiritual ancestors and their experience of the risen Lord in a society hostile to the gospel.” (Benjamin Marx, Trinity Journal, Spring 2013)

“[T]his is an appealing view of the social world of Paul and Corinth. I have no doubt that it will arouse the interest and capture the imagination of readers.” (Sarah Whittle, Evangelical Quarterly, 86.2 (2014))

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