Pet Peeves— Part Four. Yard Signs

Pet Peeves— Part Four. Yard Signs September 5, 2022

Remember when we used to hang our dirty laundry on clothes lines with actual clothes pens?  Well now that has been replaced with people hanging their venting and ranting out in the front yard with home made signs.  With yard signs there’s more room and more scope for comment, as we shall now see.  My question is, do you really want to accept the consequences of such public rants?   Do you enjoy alienating and annoying your neighbors?  Just wondering.

  1. This first one is clearly by someone sick and tired of solicitations…. except perhaps from the girl scouts and their cookie sales.

2.  Amen to that…. but tell me how you really feel.

3. I’m guessing this one was spawned by the pandemic shortage problem.

4. I am so no buying that house, despite the disclaimers…

5. While this is a wall graffiti sign rather than a yard sign, it was too good to pass up.

6.  This one just requires an…… oops!

7.  Someone is too lazy to pull their own weeds I suppose.

8. Honestly, some of those already elected many decades ago seem to actually be zombies.



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