At the Zoo– Part Two

At the Zoo– Part Two October 4, 2023

Of course you expect when you go to the zoo, you expect to see lions and tigers and bears, oh my!  But maybe not this bear…..

This polar bear was beautiful but suffering in the heat.  He should have been in a cooler enclosed area hopefully with snow, and speaking of snow,  a snow leopard—

The tiger and the lioness seemed to be doing fine in the Louisville heat and humidity.   I must confess to loving the meerkats….  I wish I had one.

Obviously the rhinos, elephants, and giraffes in the African region are to be expected, and looked fine…

Or how about a zebra…..?

Or a tapir with the funny nose?  He looks like a pig on a diet.

I had never seen a red panda up close before….

Or a silverback gorilla having lunch….

Or a silly ring-tailed lemur

Or an animal named after a Germany shoe company— Puma 🙂

Yes there were a few interesting fish and snakes as well….

Did I mentioned an albino alligator???

Or how about lizards– a small komodo dragon and an iguana…

And in the end, after a lot of looking, I finally found the missing lynx….

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