MOMA– The Museum of Modern Art– Part One

MOMA– The Museum of Modern Art– Part One April 1, 2024

The first museum I visited while in NY was MOMA, and in particular I went to see the Impressionist exhibit and related paintings.  I was not disappointed either.  It was only about a 15 minute walk from my hotel, and the weather was clement enough. One can get a proper crick in one’s neck looking up at the skyscrapers along the way.  In fact this shot was taken from my room at the Hampton on the 25th floor, and I was still looking up at much taller buildings.


Of course you expect all kinds of abstract expressions that are supposed to be art in MOMA, such as these hanging items.

Let’s start with an old favorite. I had forgotten that somehow MOMA had acquired Van Gogh’s famous Starry Night painting

But there were other less well known Van Goghs here as well such as these two… the first is called the Olive Trees.

Here is one I don’t remember ever seeing… The Portrait of Joseph Roulin.

I have always loved the pointilist approach of painters like George Serrat…. this one entitled Port en-Bessin,the  Entrance to the Harbor 

There were also paintings by lesser known French painters of the period– Andre Derain, a painting of London Bridge…

Or someone I’d never heard of– Pavel Tchelitchew with a painting called Hide and Seek

And sadly, only one painting by Rene Magritte, one of my favorite artists of the period, a Belgian businessman turned painter.. in some ways this is his oddest painting called The Menaced Assassin


Andrew Wyeth is certainly one of my favorite American painters (from Pennsylvania, and I can recommend his museum near Norwood).  And one of my favorite of his paintings is Christina’s world done in 1948…


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