The N.C. Aquarium– Part One

The N.C. Aquarium– Part One September 3, 2024

Way out beyond Carolina and Kurie Beaches is a road to nowhere, well the end of this part of N.C. where Fort Fisher once was.  What’s there now is a very nice aquarium which has been getting continual upgrades over the years.  So, though we visited this many years ago, it bore another look, especially since, our relatives thought it was spiffy to have their wedding there, but that’s a story for another day.   The Museum is not large, and it has added a wing with an exhibit about hurricanes, of which N.C. has had plenty. That’s why the Outer Banks have been called the graveyard of the Atlantic. Many a boat has sunk off the coast.  But I digress…. let’s look at the exhibits in the museum starting with— the jellyfish tank!

There is something very ethereal or other-worldly about these creatures, and you don’t want to run into their larger cousins in the ocean by which I mean the Man of War, or the stingray.  That’s a serious ouch if one of their tentacles brush your leg.  But in a tank, their smaller cousins are fun to watch flap and float around.

Our next stop is with one of my favorite sea creatures, no not Nemo (on which see the next post), but seahorses, especially the little guys like in this aquarium.

These dudes can produce hours of fun watching them swim or wrap themselves around seaweed, or feed.


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