October 24, 2016

“Elsewhere in this letter Paul says ‘all things are lawful for me; but I shall not let myself fall into the power of any of them.’ Here is the first clue. God has given us—most of us—a rich wealth of possibilities. There is human love to enjoy, loving and being loved. There is the realm of things, things that can be bought and sold in the process of which we increase our wealth and multiply our resources. There is the... Read more

October 23, 2016

I must confess trepidation, When Fall begins to fall, Do we count the cost Of the killing frost, Or do we revel in the riot Of restless red leaves? A chill falls on the fairway, Your breath hangs in the air, But shall I celebrate the denouement Or should I even care? For the killing frost is inevitable Silently slaying summer. It’s one thing to age in a cycle And bounce right back in the Spring But alas that’s the... Read more

October 22, 2016

When people are troubled, there is always hope. I will tell you how I have seen that happen. I have seen people begin their studies in a severe self-confidence, a far greater confidence that they have settled the problems of theology than I dare admit. And I have no hope of their learning anything worth learning until they begin to be troubled, to see that the ocean of truth is a bigger thing than the parish pool they thought of.... Read more

October 21, 2016

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October 20, 2016

On Sunday we had some time off from all that academic stuff, and decided to take a ride to the edge of Maryland where there was a Mennonite restaurant and craft village plus a historic bridge of interest. Let’s start with the bridge This bridge is from the 18th century and is of some significance as Washington and General Braddock seem to have crossed the river here. But there is far more to see than an interesting bridge. They have... Read more

October 19, 2016

Morning Morgantown. It was a great song by Joni Mitchell, but I doubt she ever visited the one in West Virginia, home of West Virginian U. and the Mountaineers. The pictures above are of the downtown campus, and yes that is a mass transit monorail of sorts because…. well, its very hilly!! I was there to give a couple of lectures….. And the lectures went quite well. I was there with my friend, Aaron Gale who is the head of... Read more

October 18, 2016

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October 17, 2016

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October 16, 2016

The following is a sermon by my Doktor Vater, C.K. Barrett, a formidable Methodist preacher, in addition to all his scholarly work. I am in the process of producing several volumes of his sermons and the sermons of his father, Fred Barrett, a famous Methodist Evangelist and preacher in the 20th century. The volumes will be entitled Luminescence. The thing that characterizes these sermons is in depth interaction with both the Biblical text and the Wesleyan tradition of theology and... Read more

October 15, 2016

This Just In from my Catholic friends here in Lexington and the Catholic News Service……. Ashford Stallion Manager Richard Barry introduces American Pharoah to Bishop Manz on Sept. 21. (Karen Callaway/Catholic New World) While the bishop did meet with the workers at Ashford, the visit to the stud farm was sort of a perk. The owners of Ashford are Catholic and often donate American Pharaoh’s halters to be auctioned off at Catholic school fundraisers. They, with other local Catholic farm... Read more

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