A Prayer for the Human Tragedy Behind the Immigration.

A Prayer for the Human Tragedy Behind the Immigration. July 15, 2014

Like many, my heart has been broken as I hear about the thousands of Children streaming across the border of our nation. I am left in awe of the kind of horrors that would make a parent believe that sending their child away alone through dangerous routes and with dangerous people is somehow a better option than keeping them at home. I am saddened by much of the rhetoric that sees these kids as political pawns more than human beings. I am disturbed by the nativism that is trumping the love of Christ among many who claim the name of Jesus. I have also been inspired by the leaders, including Pope Francis, who have spoken out urging our nation’s decision makers to welcome and protect these little ones.

More than anything, I have been humbled to my knees to pray. The pain of these kids is so real and so close to home I have found my prayers returning to them over and over, but too often I don’t have the words to even begin to speak. That is why I am so thankful that my friend Ricardo Moreno shared this beautiful and challenging prayer from Rev. Jose Luis Casal. It has helped deepen my prayers and solidarity with those who are suffering. I pray that as we join in crying out for justice we may find change in our hearts, and in our world. Join me today in praying a Prayer for the Human Tragedy Behind the Immigration.

Holy God, Your presence transcends all human made borders and your love crosses all boundaries. Help us join you at the borders and help us to extend some hope to those who live without future and dignity at the border. We pray that you help us to promote laws that protect the rights and dignity of everyone, especially those most vulnerable.
God of justice Your loves transcends our limitations and our unfair rules that discriminate human beings and divide the Humankind. We pray that the dignity of all God’s children will be acknowledged and protected in every country of the world but especially in our country.
God of mercy Your wisdom transcends our limited understanding and our conditioned charity. Help us to end the violence and poverty that displaces so many people from their homes and homelands to find new dreams and horizons. We pray that employers and corporations may choose the dignity and worth of each human person over profit and power.
God of all peoples Your merciful compassion transcends our unlimited selfishness that condemns millions of people around the world to lives of misery, hungry, sick and utterly without hope.
Creator and Sustainer, we offer our prayer… For the children who cross the border looking for a better education because of the lack of opportunities in their own countries.
For those victims of human trafficking forced to slave labor and prostitution while they pursuing the American dream. For the multitude of refugees, forced from their homes to alien places through war or through the destruction of their environment.
For the migrant workers, who are forced to travel to other countries looking for better salaries because there are not fair remunerated jobs in their countries.
God of all nations We are indeed a nation of nations. Help us to incorporate newcomers into the ever growing and diverse body we call the United States of America. You made us different yet all bearing your image.
As we work to live in community with our brothers and sisters help us to discern that image in those around us. God of all cultures, races and languages Give us the wisdom to find the way to proclaim a Comprehensive Immigration Reform to restore the dignity of millions of men and women who live in darkness and to reshape the image of the country that is proud to be the land of free and the house of braves. In your Holy Name we pray. Amen

From: http://oga.pcusa.org/immigration/liturgical-resources.htm

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