Making Space  

Making Space   March 8, 2020

I recently saw a study done by researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute about the impact of clutter on a person’s ability to focus. It turns out that the space you are in matters! If you are in a cluttered space, the jumble around you will actually compete for your neurons. In other words, clutter will slow down your ability to process and will rob you of your focus.  

I know I have experienced this in my own life. When I walk into a room that is messy and disorganized, I experience an instinctive kind of stress that I feel like carrying around with me. Conversely, if my home and workspace are clear, I feel a bit of extra energy when I enter the room. The space we inhabit matters. 

It is a new week of Lent, and this week we’ll be focusing on creating space in our lives. Many of the practices of Lent are designed to do some spiritual house cleaning. They are designed to create space in our hearts to let God do work in us. I would like to begin this week with a simple prayer: 


Make space in my life for more of you. 

Clear out the cobwebs. 

Throw out the clutter. 

Reorder my thoughts, my desires, and my dreams, 

That you might work more in me each day! 


He will be a joy and delight to you (Luke 1:14a) 

Questions for Today

  • When have you experienced the space you are in influencing your ability to work? 
  • Is there anything taking up space in your heart, mind, or spirit that you would like to ask God to help you clean up? 


Lent Action Guide

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