Oscar Romero and the International Day for the Right to the Truth

Oscar Romero and the International Day for the Right to the Truth March 24, 2020

Today is the International Day for the Right to the Truth, an observance concerning human rights violations and the dignity of victims. It’s a day that was established by the United Nations on March 24th because it marks the anniversary of the assassination of Oscar Romero. Romero was a pastor in El Salvador who stood up against abuses that were happening to poor and vulnerable people in his country. His message was seen as a threat and he was killed as a result of his Christian witness.

I encourage you all to think about the challenges that come with speaking truth. There are so many areas of our world where there is tremendous suffering and injustice. As people of faith, we are called to stand up for truth and justice. Oscar Romero reminds us that this can sometimes come at great cost.

Lent is the perfect time to open your heart and listen to the stories of those who are being hurt in our world today. This can take many forms. Consider reading a book about an issue of injustice, attending a lecture, or even taking time to sit with people in your own community who have suffered and hear their stories.

Hard truths require hard work. By taking the time to bear witness to the pain of others and acknowledge the realities of injustice, a passion for justice can grow roots in our hearts and in our lives. I pray that God’s grace will give us ears to hear the cry of the poor and vulnerable in our community.


Questions For Today


  • What is one area of suffering in our world you wish you understood better?
  • How do you think you could better hear the cry of those who are suffering?

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