Setting the Table for Jesus

Setting the Table for Jesus April 7, 2020

When I was growing up, meal time was a central part of our family’s life together. It was the main time during each day when everyone was together. Preparing for the meal was also a whole-family affair.

Older kids would help to prepare the meal itself, while the younger kids would set the table. Having these responsibilities helped me to feel connected to the meal and established me as a valued member of the family.
The Gospel accounts of Holy Week contain the story of the most famous and influential meal in human history; the Last Supper. It’s a moment where Jesus shares his heart with his disciples, celebrates Passover, institutes the Lord’s Supper, and serves his disciples by washing their feet. For nearly 2,000, years millions of Christians have looked to this meal as a central moment in their faith.
Yet, Jesus entrusted the preparation of the meal to his Disciples. I love that. As we consider the life and ministry of Jesus we must never forget that he always invited ordinary people to participate with him in what he was doing. God invites us to help set the table with him.

Questions of the Day
• How has God called used you to be a part of his work in some small way?
• How has having the opportunity to participate in God’s mission made a difference in your own life?

Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.” (Luke 22:8)


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