Spiritual Burnout

Spiritual Burnout April 8, 2020

We’ve talked a lot in recent days about responding to God’s call. Holy Week is a great time to do that, but I know that sometimes I can experience spiritual burnout. It’s particularly dangerous in difficult times like these. There is so much that I could be doing that I feel like I need to do it all.

One thing that helps me is the knowledge that God isn’t calling me to be impressive, only to be faithful. I am called to find simple ways to connect with God and to find the grace to take small and simple steps toward love.

Our spiritual life shouldn’t drain us. It should charge us.

If you start to feel overwhelmed by your Lenten practice this week, take a moment to stop and recharge in whatever way you are able to find the grace.

Questions of the Day

  • What recharges you?
  • Look at the days ahead. Do you see any areas that are going to be draining for you? How can you plan times to recharge to ensure you have fuel to make it through?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)


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