Máedóc of Ferns – A Model for Constant Prayer

Máedóc of Ferns – A Model for Constant Prayer January 30, 2021

Today the Church Honors St. Áedan of Ferns.

He was known for his miracles and his care for the poor. Another interesting tidbit about his life is that it is said that he reciting 500 Psalms daily. That means that if he slept 7 hours a day, he’d averaged about a Psalm a minute for the rest of his waking hours. I’m not sure how we would have done about it. Perhaps he started with one psalm repeated over and over until he memorized it and then moved on o another. Whatever the method, this is certainly a model for how one can incorporate a dimension of prayer into every part of life.

Perhaps we could imitate his example by simply trying to bring the psalms into our lives throughout each day. Instead of checking your phone during downtime try to instead memorize a psalm and repeat it as often as you can. See if following St. Áedan in this way helps you create more space for God in your life.

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