Dear Joan Rivers, My Son’s Life is Legitimate

Dear Joan Rivers, My Son’s Life is Legitimate July 22, 2013

Joan Rivers believes “everything goes” when it comes to sex… unless there’s a chance to criticize me. Then, she suddenly claims the sexual standards of the 1950s.

I appreciate all the love and comments I’ve been getting about my time on Wife Swap – it seemed like many of you really enjoyed seeing Melissa Rivers and me switching lives! Through Twitter and Facebook, I’ve gotten some questions about the show, so I thought I’d go through a few of them.

In case you missed them:

Question Number 1: “Why didn’t you just go on Fashion Police?”

Question Number 2: “Where did you get your cool headboard?”

But by far, I was asked most of all about the moment Joan Rivers said this in an off camera interview:

“Don’t play the victim…  In my generation, Tripp would be called illegitimate.  Bristol would be called the little whore down the block.”

When I first saw this, I have to be honest…  it was pretty shocking.  Joan has criticized me and my family before.  She has called my mom a “Nazi,” “crazy,” “stupid,” and “a threat.”

She has called me an “old horse,” “stupid,” and said things about my weight.  I guess we can add “whore” to the list.  But isn’t it funny how Joan suddenly goes all 1950s when it suits her?  In her comedy routines, she mentions any sort of sexual thing to shock the audience.  But when she wants to insult me, she suddenly has the sexual standards of a “Leave it to Beaver” episode.  Anyway, I have addressed my pregnancy many times in public.  I’m thankful for a God who forgives and loves.

On Wife Swap, however, she went a step too far by attacking my son Tripp.

It’s just wrong to call a child something like “illegitimate” on national television.  Life is tough, and not everyone is born into the perfect family home life. But my son is not “illegitimate.”  He’s legitimately amazing.  I like to say, “just because a kid is born into a broken family doesn’t mean the child is broken.”

All life is precious…  And Tripp is a definitely a blessing from God.

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