A Comic Book with a Superhero who has Down Syndrome!

A Comic Book with a Superhero who has Down Syndrome! May 16, 2014

Check this out!

A dad is writing a graphic novel with his son, who has Down syndrome, as the superhero.

Like a lot of Down syndrome kids, Chip Reese’s little boy had a heart defect. He needed two surgeries and five months of hospitalization.

Chip writes at bleedingcool.com:

My son, at the age of one, had shown more strength than anyone I’d known at any age, with two major heart defects and Down syndrome. Like many of the heroes we’ve all grown up with, Ollie had overcome great adversity and lived to tell a story. A story I believe that couldn’t be told as anything other than a superhero story.

So, that brings us to the graphic novel I’m writing, Metaphase. The story will star Ollie (imagine that!), a boy with Down syndrome who will learn what it truly means to be “super,” inspired by my real life superhero son! The father in the story is one of those super-strong invulnerable types, and like me, couldn’t do a darn thing to help his kid. Really all that was left was to hope and pray that he’d make it.

This is just great. Check out more at bleedingcool. They even have a free preview. Also, there’s a Facebook page for Metaphase.

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