A Change of Clothes

A Change of Clothes October 8, 2010

Is it me or am I the only one out there who struggles with the change of seasons and the effect it has on my children’s wardrobes?

As I type, there are bins stacked in the center of every bedroom; clothes strewn about in various piles on the floor; children looking at me each morning, wondering what they will wear and from which drawer they will find it.  It seems our home is in a general state of disarray like this with every seasonal changeover!   The weather takes a nosedive and with it, so does my general sense of organization!! What’s a good mother to do?  I also can’t seem to find the HUGE chunk of time necessary to tackle the entire project.  Alas, our status as of right now–CHAOS.

I found myself starting to get really exasperated in the process, but then had to stop myself.  1) I am in this predicament because my children have clothes (and many of them) to keep them warm.  2) We have dear friends and family who look out for us and help provide for us through their generosity.  3) I have a place to store these ample quantities of clothes.  4) We live in a climate that has seasons and therefore get to celebrate and associate weather with seasons–this is more of a blessing than I often recognize.  Yet with all the blessings, I’m still struggling with how to manage this process well.

Our main seasonal dilemmas occur from summer to fall and then winter to spring.  Adding children to the mix has only further befuddled the situation.  Just yesterday I spent the better part of a morning in the baby’s room, changing out her clothes from 0-3 months to 3-6 months.  Then I bundled the various clothes we are planning to give back to the generous families who lent them to us.  I currently have 3 bags packed and 2 more to go.  The bins are stacked high in her closet and while I’m so grateful for having wonderful resources, I’m dreading all the future organization!

So I went searching for help.  There had to be a better way.  I started asking around until I landed on our preschool friend with 5 children.  Her answer, “Bins.”  Lots of bins.  For organizing sizes and seasons.  And for the people who donate clothes to her family, she is sure to make careful note on the tags of the items they’ve given.  Okay, so check and check.  I already do these things.  I need more.

Ladies, you’re on.  Help me.  I know you have secrets.  Folks with many like Mary Alice, come into my home and show me how its done.  As always, your wonderful advice is so very much appreciated.  God bless you.

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