Thoughts for Thursday (the 5pm edition)

Thoughts for Thursday (the 5pm edition) October 21, 2010

What am I cooking?

This morning it was a puffed pancake topped with maple syrup.  Delicious!  And the perfect accent to a morning playgroup we hosted.  Everyone had a slice and seemed to enjoy it.  You could barely taste the wheat flour!

What are my weekend plans?

Heading north for a P-ton friend’s wedding in Philly!  What joy to see Red and her hubby (and others!) and get to spend the evening together.

I promise to post pics!

What are my prayer intentions for the day?

For friends who are searching spiritually.  God seems to be placing plenty of them in my life lately.  A sign?  Yes, indeed, for the harvest is plenty and the

laborers are few!

What can my children do instead of watching TV?

Play in a bounce house all afternoon?!  We set up the tarp and had the bounce house going on the patio for ~3 hours.  All neighborhood kids within a one mile vicinity of our house were here.  Great fun was had by all.  Even the mom had fun with an excuse to be outside in beautiful, 70 degree sunshine.

What have I done for my marriage this week?

I postponed after-bed errands so that my hubby and I could spend some extra moments together lounging.  It was totally worth it.  We. just. fit.

What’s challenging me lately?

A baby who is burp-challenged.  Sometimes it’s easy; quite often it’s not…  Patience is definitely a virtue.

Something that made me think?

A conversation I had with a friend the other morning.  She caused me to consider my faith from an outside perspective, which was uncomfortable and offsetting.  Tough stuff, but really provoking.  I loved it.  I was out of my comfort zone, but isn’t that where we should be more often than not?  I think I live too often and too happily in my little Christian bubble.

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