
“Mom-nesia” November 21, 2011

My friends and I often joke about “mommy brain” when we say something incomprehensible, forget something important, or fail to complete a task that used to be simple for us, such as calculating a 10% tip and splitting it 5 ways at dinner, for example. I came across this article while searching for an answer to the question, “Is there such a thing as mommy brain?” The short answer is that a mother’s brain capacity is the same during pregnancy and motherhood as it was before she became a mother; however, there are reasons why women experience the symptoms often referred to as “mommy brain” or “mom-nesia.” Topping the list are factors such as lack of sleep, juggling the needs of young children, household tasks, and out-of-the home responsibilities, and a shift in priorities. When we become mothers, our focus rightly shifts to the needs of our children, and sometimes that means that our memories become fuzzier with regards to other aspects of our lives.

So, how do you combat “mommy brain”? The article suggests getting more sleep (whenever possible!) and writing things down, both of which are great first steps! If you are having trouble getting more sleep and aren’t pregnant or a mother of an infant, perhaps you could check out this great list of “sleep hygiene” tips from the National Sleep Foundation. In terms of writing things down, I never cease to marvel at the wonders of a cute new calendar or planner in getting me motivated to make lists and keep my family’s life in (reasonable) order. I have also found it helpful to make a checklist of my weekly household chores and post it in a visible spot in my kitchen. I have always been motivated by checklists, and I like to include the simple tasks (i.e. dusting and washing the towels) along with the more arduous ones (i.e. vacuuming or cleaning bathrooms) so that I get to check off more items as I go. The same theory also goes for running errands and accomplishing long-term goals, although I’m still working on the latter 🙂

Please share your memory tips with us, or any great products that help you to remain organized! While the above article focuses a lot on pregnancy, I have found my memory lapses to continue long after a baby has been born – and from my experience in talking with other moms, this is quite common. If you have any ideas on how to improve memory, that would also be greatly appreciated! For example, I went through a period when I was regularly doing brain teasers and practice math problems – I think that these mental exercises would be a beneficial addition to my daily routine.

A blessed Monday to all of you!

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