Book basket Notes for October

Book basket Notes for October October 1, 2012

My preschoolers are transitioning from apples to pumpkins.

My early elementary will learn about Columbus this month, then the settlers/Thanksgiving, then the revolution (Washington Crossing the Delaware), and then Washington’s presidency leading up to Presidents Day. That will take us through February in simple cultural history, all using book baskets.

My older ones would like to spend October exploring the Electoral College and then stay up late on Election night and fill in a map as the state results are finalized. I am happy to oblige on this learning trail, and I am going to pull together some resources for a book basket for them. They do so much straight curriculum work, I am glad to have an excuse to get them back to the sectional to just read, think, talk about a topic, and I will probably ask them to write a little something as well.

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