Mom Reality

Mom Reality April 18, 2013

I’m dreaming of this…

While actually doing a lot of this…

Vacations and fun blogger trips have come to an end and the result?  I’ve been muddling all week in home life, trying to get it all together and feel like my ducks are somewhat orderly and our family is up and functioning well.  The reality of life post-travel is always a bit mind-numbing; for me, my true nemesis has been the negative voice in my head saying that perfection is possible, but I’ll never get there.  What does it really mean, though, to truly “get it all together”?  Do we ever really have it all under control?  And is it possible the pursuit of perfection could actually be sinful?

Perhaps my focus on control needs to be replaced with a more God-centered challenge–Joy in Him? Delight in the Holy Spirit?   Creating order to allow freedom to follow Him in the ordinary?  The piece below hit me upside the head mid-week and challenged my self-centered approach to mom life.  I hope you find it as invigorating as I did…

My new holy mother goals: seek simplicity, peace, and patience as I wait on the Lord. Conquer tasks for His Glory and not others’. Delight in His Presence and show Him to my children through my joy.

Not a bad list, eh?  All in a lifetime’s work.  God bless.

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