April 22, 2016

Yesterday, Michael Voris published a mostly very moving post in which he reveals that his past sins are homosexual. Voris and I had something of a tiff several years back over my review of his Homosexuality FBI documentary, so I’ve had several people ask me what I think about this surprising revelation. The answer is that Michael absolutely has my prayers right now, and I will happily be defending him against any detractors in the days to come. Also, that... Read more

April 13, 2016

Amid all of the talk about laws preventing trans people from using washrooms and change-rooms according to their gender identity (rather than their genitalia) there’s a significant elephant in the room. Generally, the argument is that these laws are necessary to protect women. Nobody ever seems especially concerned about trans men peeing and changing in men’s spaces. Nor, for that matter, are very many people afraid that trans women will victimize cis women in bathrooms and change-rooms. The fear is... Read more

April 13, 2016

Scapegoating, as we see it, is a way of escaping from our own responsibilities by offloading them on to others. Read more

April 10, 2016

There is an oversimplification of the story of the rich young man that I often encounter in Catholic circles: basically, the rich young man asks what is necessary for eternal life and Christ says “If you want to merit eternal life, you have to give up everything and follow me.” The young man is unwilling to give up his riches, so he goes away sad. Read more

March 20, 2016

I should have written this yesterday, for the feast of St. Joseph, but it didn’t occur to me to do so until this morning. St. Joseph is one of a small handful of Saints that I’ve felt a kind of personal connection to. There are Saints that I like and that I pray to as distant figures in heaven, historical personages who I admire and wish to imitate, writers whose works I find illuminating or inspiring. Then there are a... Read more

March 19, 2016

“The American College of Pediatricians has released an in-depth report stating that the move to indoctrinate children with the idea that they can pick their gender amounts to child abuse.” This is the opening to a story from the Illinois Family Institute that’s been making the rounds on social media. At first, when I read the headline, I was surprised. It seemed like a very bold statement for a professional organization to make, and so far as I knew the... Read more

March 18, 2016

Today, the back-payment came for my Canada Child Tax Benefit for Malachi, and out of gratitude towards my polis I thought that I might write about how supports for low-income families can work in ways that are not humiliating or degrading. Letitia Adams wrote an excellent post the other day, talking about how difficult it has been for her to access social assistance when in need. She discusses her frustrations with the fact that the security net which is supposed to... Read more

March 14, 2016

So I’ve been binge-watching The Walking Dead recently, and naturally my mind has turned to the question of what’s up with our society that zombies have become a major cultural obsession. What is it, exactly, that we’re working out in our collective psyche? Simcha Fisher attempted to answer this a while back. Her answer was basically that the zombie represents the threatening Other: “”Syrian refugees” or “people with autism” or “Mexicans” or “the disabled” or “the poor” or “Catholics” or... Read more

March 9, 2016

Hello people! So here’s the deal, I’ve found out that for various nefarious marketing-type reasons, having upwards of fifty Amazon reviews has magic beneficial effects. So I’m soliciting reviews of my books. A review doesn’t have to be anything complex or involved. It can be as simple as “This book was good. I liked it.” That counts. In return for reviews, I am offering free .pdf copies of any of my books. You just drop me a message using the... Read more

March 8, 2016

I promised a while back to talk about the sufferings of innocent people who are not capable of making sense of their own sufferings. Basically, I think there are a few possible ways of approaching this problem. I don't think any of them constitute “the answer” but I do think they all help to shed a little light. Read more

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