Tweeting to the Choir About Prayer

Tweeting to the Choir About Prayer April 20, 2022

For their short pithy brilliant whimsical way of saying things, I love to collect Twitter and other Quality Quintessential quips, quotes, questions, musings and maxims from the furthest reaches of the internet to the obscure book hidden in the dusty corner of some long forgotten book store and save them for a rainy day post. I  just might need some wonderful wordful beauty to express a sentiment or idea in what I’m writing so I created this particular post with that purpose in mine.

Tweeting to the Choir: A Collection of Tweets

Janet@Mystagogy1013:  Tweeting to the choir gives us all support and encouragement, which is much needed in these days.

This peculiarly particular post is the offspring of that larger post with a more specific focus in mind from a topic listed in that larger post. It is also but one of the many children of that post.  You can go big or go home to this  shorter post and pluck what you need from  the collected treasure of  the Broad Chorus of Catholic Thinkers and similar like minded individuals  and insert it into whatever it is your  working on at the moment. Or perhaps you just might want to read a short something that will put a chuckle, a prayer or a nifty thought into your brain. And perhaps any truth beauty or goodness may leak into your soul making you a more loving, faithful and hopeful person and draw you closer to Christ.

In this post were Tweeting to the Choir about…


Let Us Pray

CB Book Reflection: The Busy Person’s Guide to Prayer

Zeal For Your Prayer Consumes Me | Kristin Wilson (

Importance of Prayer

Father Josh Johnson@frjoshjohnson:The most fruitful evangelist, teachers, healers, miracle workers, prophets, helpers, intercessors, administrators, leaders, pastors, craftsman, writers & missionaries in our Church were rooted in daily prayer. If we’re too busy to pray then our ministries won’t bear much fruit.

Pope Francis@Pontifex: Prayer, charity and fasting are not medicines meant only for ourselves but for everyone: they can change history, because they are the principal ways for God to intervene in our lives and in the world. They are weapons of the spirit. #Lent

Scapular Project@ProjectScapular: For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned towards heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy. – St Thérèse of Lisieux

Benefits of Prayer

Emily, praying for peace ���@EmilyKath319: I feel like praying for “everyone I’ve ever met or know of” is kinda cheating the system like wishing for infinite wishes or something, but God is big enough to handle that sort of request so I’m just gonna keep doing it
Fr. Dwight Longenecker@dlongenecker1: Today I am grateful for all the prayers people have offered for me over the years. I’d be even more of a messed up sinner without them.

Fr. Cassidy Stinson@TheHappyPriest: I once received a spiritual bouquet from a parish kid who pledged that he would pray “10,000 holy hours” for me.

In my more optimistic moments, I like imagining that he decided to dedicate his life to prayer as a Carthusian hermit to make good on the promise.

Other End of Prayer

fah’Tim@FrGrumbach: Fear. Fear that God will be silent, as if we’ve already made up His mind, so we’re afraid to ask boldly and risk feeling disappointed. Fear that we may actually hear His voice, and He ask us to go where we may be afraid, missing the chance to go where He has gone before us.

Fr. Larry Richards@FrLarryRichards:  The LORD hears when I call to Him” Psalm 4:3 YOU got to know this and believe this truth! He is listening – speak to Him now. Peace

Unique Trivia about Prayer

tea with tolkien@TeawithTolkien: Good morning, did you know Tolkien translated Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be into Quenya so you could almost pray the an entire Rosary in Elvish?

tommy@theghissilent: reading the last book of the expanse series and came across something I’m going to start saying instead of “praying for you” moving forward:

“we’re hailing an *awful* lot of marys over here”

Prayer of Thomas Merton

Punky Mantilla �@PunkyMantilla:
“My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.

nor do I really know myself,
and the fact that I think I am following your will
does not mean that I am actually doing so.”

“But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.

And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.”

Pray 3 Hail Marys


Let’s say three Hail Marys for the souls who are closest to Heaven.

Let’s say three Hail Marys for the souls who died alone.

Let’s say three Hail Marys for the souls who died today.

Raíza@ClassicRaiza: If you see this tweet, can you pray a Hail Mary for me? Please.

Pray The Rosary

Knights of Columbus@KofC: “My work is to urge families throughout the world to pray united as families so that they can experience the family rosary for what it is, a powerful prayer to bring joy, peace and unity to troubled homes.”- Fr. Patrick Peyton.

CatholicHeart&Mind@disciple96:  Thank you for praying the Rosary with me. I pray that you will stay safe & well, virtuous & holy, & become in this New Year who you were meant to be: a SAINT! May His Peace be always with you. +JMJ+

Keren Dibbens-Wyatt@HoneycombHermit: It may be New Year’s Eve, but it’s also Friday, which means it’s time for me to ask again, who would like to be in my Rosary intentions? Like or comment if so. If you’ve asked before you’re on my list, any faith, little faith or none, doesn’t matter. ♥️�️�✝️

Pray the Divine Office

 Bob Rice@deaconbobrice: It’s two o’clock, but I don’t care I’m going to say my evening prayer It’s always five o’clock somewhere

Pray For These Individuals

April Rose Catherine Sixsmith@AprilSixsmith: Catholic Twitter, I’m asking for your prayers for the soul of Cheslie Kryst who jumped off of a building in NYC yesterday.Her death is taking a huge toll on her family, friends and the pageant community. Thank you. 

hananah bread @hananahbrread: Please pray for the repose of my friend Sarah’s soul. She leaves behind a husband and her 4 year old son. �

 ☀️ Catholic Charm  ☀️@CatholicCharm: If you see this please say a prayer for the repose of Evan Leahy’s soul

Dolores del Ano@abjectlatina: Please pray for the soul of a young person who just died very tragically and unexpectedly

Other Prayers To Pray

Fr. Goyo@FrGoyo: “For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” At this moment, I don’t know what else to say or pray. #peace #peace #peace

Caroline Burt@Carolin80951797: I pray for all those who are finding it hard to buy the basic necessities for everyday living.

HolySoulsVocation@HolySouls3: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family.

The Jesus Prayer@TheJesusPrayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner

Mark Hart@LT_TheBiblegeek: Today, pray for someone who has given up on God. He hasn’t given up on them.

Kalina Boulter@KalinaBoulter: In all my temptations, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus. In all my weaknesses, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus. In all my difficulties, I place my trust in Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus. #firstfriday #Catholic #Devotion #February2022 #KalinaB

Dawn Eden Goldstein ��@DawnofMercy· Dear Guardian Angels, St. Michael, and all angels of peace, watch over the whole world, especially over all those who are suffering, and pray for the conversion of all hearts to God. #capitolhillrightnow

Ik ben Christen@ikbenchristen: “Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be – and becoming that person.” St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Jolly Prayers to Pray

Matt Fradd@mattfradd: “From silly devotions, and sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us.” -St. Teresa of Avila

tommy@theghissilent: that my tweets be more about you than dune, the filet o fish, or absolutely anything else – Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it

TJ Burdick@tjburdick: I need everyone on here to pray for a way for my family to get a border collie. And for world peace. Dang it, okay, just pray for world peace. Not having a border collie will be my penitential prayer.

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