Sacred Heart Planetary Pro-Life Issues

Sacred Heart Planetary Pro-Life Issues June 25, 2022

On the Marvelous Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is also the Nativity of  Womb Leaper  St. John the Baptist,

A rare, five-planet alignment peaked on June 24, allowing a peek of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as they lined up in planetary order.

Astro Bob: See all five planets line up in order at dawn - Duluth News Tribune | News, weather, and sports from Duluth, Minnesota

Here on earth some pro-life issues lined up including the decision by the Supreme Court in the United States to overturn Roe V. Wade thus ending the constitutional right to abortion. If women still feel a need to terminate the pregnancy of their growing child in their womb, they can still get an abortion if their state allows it. Abortion has not disappeared from our country; it has moved from a federal issue to a state issue.

On social media, people are giving their loud opinion Left and Right about this topic. Some are despairing and others in gleeful bless. For some reason or other the other pro-life issue of the day seems to have taken a back seat and covered under a blanket. Namely that President Joe Biden signed the most significant gun reform bill in nearly 30 years.

If you’re a Young Guns purchaser you will have an enhanced background check. If you’re a dangerous violent sociopath you, newly developed red flag laws will try to screen you out.
If you’re a dating partner of a domestic abuser, No Guns for you. Why this is not being talked about as much as the Roe V. Wade situation I’m not sure. It’s a topic big on people’s list of issues to be concerned about.

Gun Owners think their rights are being taken away from them and Pro-Choice folks and even some Left leaning Pro-lifeers believe women’s rights have been taken away from them. Others are cheering with the attitude ‘In Your Face, Get Over It”.

The big question is where to we go from here?

Here are a few thoughts from social media about the Roe V Wade decision as I haven’t seen much on the gun issue. Except this one from a few years ago.

Jules Suzdaltsev ��@jules_su: “I need an AR-15 in case I need to hijack a plane to fly my son to a country with socialized healthcare”, is currently my favorite take on gun ownership.

And now a few tweets on the other issue that I thought expressed my own thoughts on the matter.

MJ ����@mj102015
Regardless of how you feel about Roe v Wade, many women, women in your own pews, women you know, love, and care about, are scared, worried, angry, & hurting. Resist the urge to celebrate. Remember that staying quiet today is an option, and it is probably the best option.

Jolz �@Jolz_Aust: Twitter= pro lifers cheering the overturning of Roe v Wade Instagram= pro choicers mourning the overturning of Roe v Wade I want out of this war.

PMR (interactivist)@pmrodden@Jolz_Aust: To me, it seems the division in Catholicism is broadly drawn between those who’ve known suffering, and those who haven’t, which conditions how they treat others. Many social justice warriors are privileged people who, like trads, don’t really understand poverty or suffering.

Mark Brumley@mabrumley: The end of Roe is good. But as a friend said, “Let’s triple our efforts to make abortion unthinkable, as part of a whole culture of life and love, one that respects life from conception to natural death, in every stage of development and every condition of dependency.”

Steven D. Greydanus on FB: *If* the pro-life community steps up, the fall of Roe could be a major step toward beginning to build a culture of life. If that doesn’t happen, of course, it will still be a good thing that Roe was overturned—nothing could make that anything other than a good thing per se—but the ultimate outcome will not be the good that could and should have followed.

Fr. Casey, OFM@caseyofm: Pro-life advocates: if we are to make any headway in actual reconciliation (not just laws) we must triple our efforts in supporting women against sexism in the workplace, unfair burdens due to pregnancy, lack of opportunities, and any sense of intrusion or control by men.

Father Edward Beck@FrEdwardBeck: The overturning of #RoeVsWade does not end abortion, and potentially, could produce even more division. Promoting a culture of life is about a change of heart with regard many pro-life issues. People choose differently when inspired to do so. That is the task of people of faith.

�� Austen Ivereigh ��@austeni: If those states that plan to outlaw abortion were also to end the death penalty and bring in tight gun control, today would be a new pro-life dawn. But if those states are also the MOST committed to guns and hanging, then today is a step forward, but not a new dawn.

Chris@Christo50454563: Paid maternity leave is a good thing and we should all unite in supporting it. It should be part of the pro-life package.

Kevin Clarke@ClarkeAtAmerica: It might be a good day for Catholic institutions to describe their pro-family policies, particularly paid parental leave and child care assistance, and how they advocate for same + universal health coverage. And if they don’t have such in place, they should make it so STAT.

Fr. Thomas Petri, OP@PetriOP: Companies paying travel costs for abortion.
Translation: We’ll do everything we can to keep you on the production line and not have to pay for your maternity leave.

JD Flynn@jdflynn: I wonder if companies pledging to pay for employees to travel for abortion will pay for them to travel to adopt, or treat infertility.

Hell, if their kids need more therapies or medical treatment than insurance offers, I wonder if these enlightened companies will pay for those!

Church Life Journal@ChurchLifeND: Does the pro-life movement care for women and children after birth? Given that the pro-life movement is not strictly political, but is also made up of thousands of tiny organizations and people on the ground, I believe the answer is yes.–Claire Fyrqvist

Maria C@plssendcoffee3: I’m seeing alot of well intentioned “now is the time for pro-lifers to stand with women and support families” and “now it’s our job to walk with women and help them.” NO. IT WAS ALWAYS OUR JOB. IT HAS BEEN TIME TO ACTUALLY HELP FAMILIES. not after you win your pet political war.

Fr. Mike Palmer, CSC@mppcsc: Since I’m seeing it mentioned today: as a gentle reminder, miscarriages and treatment for ectopic pregnancies are (correctly) not classified as abortions under the law, and overturning Roe does not mean that women suffering from these two afflictions will be denied medical help.

Gloria Purvis@gloria_purvis: When have Black women ever not struggled with pregnancy and parenting in the history of this country? Never! And yet we still gave birth and reared children in the most dire circumstances.

Maybe now with #Roe gone we can actually focus on supporting Black women.

The measure for what Black women need isn’t the abortion that rich white women can get. The measure is all the basic needs that those rich white women take for granted.

Dawn Eden Goldstein ��@DawnofMercy: From Evangelium vitae: “How can we fail to consider the violence against life done to millions of human beings, especially children, who are forced into poverty, malnutrition & hunger because of an unjust distribution of resources between peoples and between social classes?”

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone@ArchCordileone: This is the beginning not the end. We must redouble our efforts to accompany women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies, as well as to offer mercy to those suffering from abortion. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

Melissa Presser@mzpresser: I’ve decided to stop getting in theological debates with people about abortion and instead respond in #prayer for them. Thank you
@FrChrisP for the great reminder. Father may you open the eyes of the blind and show them the truth. #Jesus give them a heart for the unborn.���

❤️‍�Fr Matthew Schneider, LC❤️‍�@FrMatthewLC: The Sacred Heart shows us Jesus’s love for all, both the unborn & mothers considering abortion. We are called to love both too.

The Real Atheology Podcast@RealAtheology: Please pray for your fellow Pro-Life advocates to at least extend the dignity they have for the unborn to the Pro-Choice advocates who are fearful, frustrated, and anxious at the moment.

And in conclusion

SW Prayer@SwPrayer: Let’s pray 3 Hail Marys consecrating ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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