After the feast of the Ascension
We as Catholics have celebrated
The Beginning of the Month of The Scarred Heart of Jesus
The Feast of the Trinity
and now the Christian Mystery continues with
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
Some of the events leading up to Corpus Christi include
The deaths of Televangelist Pat Robertson, the murderous Unabomber, WWF Wrestler The Iron Scheck,
and the memorial of the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
Fr. Casey Cole gives us another great video and Jimmy Akin another great Mysterious World Podcast.
The Trial of Lizzie Borden took place as well as the first escape from Alcatraz island.
We also learn of a man who doesn’t believe in aliens but does in Dragons.
All this and much much more.
Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
Monday June 5, 2023
Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr
Day 156: Jesus Casts Out Demons — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 156: How the Liturgy Is Celebrated — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1829 – HMS Pickle captures the armed slave ship Voladora off the coast of Cuba.
- 1837 – Houston is incorporated by the Republic of Texas.
- 1849 – Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy by the signing of a new constitution.
- 1851 – Harriet Beecher Stowe‘s anti-slavery serial, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly, starts a ten-month run in the National Era abolitionist newspaper
- 1893 – The trial of Lizzie Borden for the murder of her father and step-mother begins in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
- 1968–Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: Robert F. Kennedy who was a leading 1968 Democratic presidential candidate is shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Sirhan Sirhan is arrested.
- 1981 – The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that five people in Los Angeles, California, have a rare form of pneumonia seen only in patients with weakened immune systems, in what turns out to be the first recognized cases of AIDS.
Quote of the Day
Timothy Keller (1950-2023)@timkellernyc (June 5, 2023) Pride makes empathy nearly impossible. Pride keeps us from really noticing people, from putting ourselves in their shoes, from recognizing when they are hurting and unhappy. It keeps us absorbed with our own agenda and needs.
Tuesday June 6, 2023
Saint Norbert, Bishop
Day 157: Following Jesus — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 157: God’s Word and Sacred Music — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1654 – Swedish Queen Christina abdicated her throne in favour of her cousin Charles Gustav and converted to Catholicism.
- 1844 – The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) is founded in London.
- 1892 – The Chicago “L” elevated rail system begins operation.
- 1912 – The eruption of Novarupta in Alaska begins. It is the largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century.
- 1944- D-DAY – Commencement of Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy, with the execution of Operation Neptune—commonly referred to as D-Day—the largest seaborne invasion in history. Nearly 160,000 Allied troops cross the English Channel with about 5,000 landing and assault craft, 289 escort vessels, and 277 minesweepers participating. By the end of the day, the Allies have landed on five invasion beaches and are pushing inland.
- 1966 – March Against Fear: African-American civil rights activist James Meredith is wounded in an ambush by white sniper James Aubrey Norvell.[30] Meredith and Norvell are photographed by Jack R. Thornell, whose photo will receive the 1967 Pulitzer Prize in Photography, the last one to be awarded in the category.
- 2023 – Undermining the Kakhovskaya HPP during the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Quote of the Day
Steven D. Greydanus@DecentFilms (June 6, 2023) The first law of decency, if you get nothing else right: When people are hurting, when they’re suffering loss or grief, at the very least give them space. Respect other people’s pain. Kick someone when they’re down, weaponize their pain, and I have no use for your moral ideas. (Yes, this was inspired by cruel comments weaponizing the pain of someone the attackers see as an enemy. They think he gets Christianity wrong, so from their point of view he might as well not even be human. Which is, you know. Quintessentially getting Christianity wrong.) And yes, I have posted this before, or very nearly. It’s not a new problem, and it bears repeating.
Wednesday June 7 , 2023
Day 158: The Reality of Sin — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 158: Holy Images in the Liturgy — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 879 – Pope John VIII recognizes the Duchy of Croatia under Duke Branimir as an independent state.
- 1099 – First Crusade: The Siege of Jerusalem begins.
- 1906 – Cunard Line‘s RMS Lusitania is launched from the John Brown Shipyard, Glasgow (Clydebank), Scotland.
- 1955 – Lux Radio Theatre signs off the air permanently. The show launched in New York in 1934, and featured radio adaptations of Broadway shows and popular films.
- 1971 – The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Division of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service raids the home of Ken Ballew for illegal possession of hand grenades.
- 2023-1440 Daily Digest@Join1440-An Oklahoma school board voted to approve the first publicly funded religious school in the country. Here’s what we know.
- 2023–Pope Francis returns to hospital for surgery | ROME REPORTS
- 2023-WWF wrestler The Iron Sheik dies. (March 15, 1942 – June 7, 2023)
Quote of the Day
Catholic Daily Reflections@CathDailyRef (June 7, 2023) Reflection 159: Mercy at the Hour of Your Death – Daily Reflections on Divine Mercy
Days with Saint Faustina -Every time we pray the “Hail Mary” prayer, we pray for the sacred hour of our death.
Thursday June 8, 2023
Day 159: Bearing Fruit — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 159: When the Liturgy Is Celebrated — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 452 – Attila leads a Hun army in the invasion of Italy, devastating the northern provinces as he heads for Rome.
- 793 – Vikings raid the abbey at Lindisfarne in Northumbria, commonly accepted as the beginning of Norse activity in the British Isles.
- 1789 – James Madison introduces twelve proposed amendments to the United States Constitution in Congress.
- 1794 – Maximilien Robespierre inaugurates the French Revolution‘s new state religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being, with large organized festivals all across France.
- 1906 – Theodore Roosevelt signs the Antiquities Act into law, authorizing the President to restrict the use of certain parcels of public land with historical or conservation value.
- 1912 – Carl Laemmle incorporates Universal Pictures.
- 1949 – George Orwell‘s Nineteen Eighty-Four is published.
- 1968 – James Earl Ray, the man who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. is arrested at London Heathrow Airport.[9]
- 1972 – Vietnam War: Nine-year-old Phan Thị Kim Phúc is burned by napalm, an event captured by Associated Press photographer Nick Ut moments later while the young girl is seen running naked down a road, in what would become an iconic, Pulitzer Prize-winning photo.
- 2023 – Former US President Donald Trump is indicted on federal charges of misusing classified information.
- 2023- Founder of the 700 Club Pat Robertson dies. (March 22, 1930 – June 8, 2023)
Quote of the Day
Dr Taylor Marshall™️@TaylorRMarshall (June 8, 2023) As a Catholic, I do NOT believe in space ALIENS but I do believe in DRAGONS.
Friday June 9, 2023
Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church
Day 160: Jesus Warns the People — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 160: The Liturgical Year — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Song of the Week
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1523 – The Parisian Faculty of Theology fines Simon de Colines for publishing the Biblical commentary Commentarii initiatorii in quatuor Evangelia by Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples.
- 1534 – Jacques Cartier is the first European to describe and map the Saint Lawrence River.
- 1856 – Five hundred Mormons leave Iowa City, Iowa for the Mormon Trail.
- 1930 – A Chicago Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle, is killed during rush hour at the Illinois Central train station by Leo Vincent Brothers, allegedly over a $100,000 gambling debt owed to Al Capone.
- 1968 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson declares a national day of mourning following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
- 1978 – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opens its priesthood to “all worthy men”, ending a 148-year-old policy of excluding black men.
Movies Opening
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Saturday June 10, 2023
Day 161: The Crucifixion of Christ — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 161: The Liturgy of the Hours — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1539 – Council of Trent: Pope Paul III sends out letters to his bishops, delaying the Council due to war and the difficulty bishops had traveling to Venice.
- 1692 – Salem witch trials: Bridget Bishop is hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem, Massachusetts, for “certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries”.
- 2001 – Pope John Paul II canonizes Lebanon‘s first female saint, Saint Rafqa.
- 2009 – Eighty-eight year-old James Wenneker von Brunn opens fire inside the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and fatally shoots Museum Special Police Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns. Other security guards returned fire, wounding von Brunn, who was apprehended.
- 2023-Theodore John Kaczynski also known as the Unabomber dies. (May 22, 1942 – June 10, 2023)
Quote of the Day
Adam Grant@AdamMGrant (June 11, 2023)
Trust requires more than honesty. We count on people who live with integrity.It’s one thing to be truthful in what you say today. It’s another to uphold your commitments tomorrow.
Honesty is being candid as you talk. Integrity is honoring those words as you walk.
Because I live in RI, I must include this quote.
Dan of The Hour@ZJoyfulCatholic (June 11, 2023) Fun fact about Rhode Islanders. Half of our personality is talking about the fact that we live in Rhode Island and/or telling people the random quirks about this state.
Sunday June 11, 2023
(Corpus Christi)
Day 162: Rehobo′am Seeks Counsel — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 162: Where the Liturgy Is Celebrated — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Here’s What Happen Last Week and Year in Life.
- 1509 – Henry VIII of England marries Catherine of Aragon.
- 1775 – The American Revolutionary War‘s first naval engagement, the Battle of Machias, results in the capture of a small British naval vessel.
- 1837 – The Broad Street Riot occurs in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between Yankees and Irish.
- 1895 – Paris–Bordeaux–Paris, sometimes called the first automobile race in history or the “first motor race”, takes place.
- 1962 – Frank Morris, John Anglin and Clarence Anglin allegedly become the only prisoners to escape from the prison on Alcatraz Island.
- 1963 – John F. Kennedy addresses Americans from the Oval Office proposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which would revolutionize American society by guaranteeing equal access to public facilities, ending segregation in education, and guaranteeing federal protection for voting rights.
- 2023-Rich Raho@RichRaho (June 11, 2023) VATICAN: Pope Francis’ recovery continues; today he watched a televised Mass, then received Communion, he then went to the private chapel of the papal apartments at Gemelli to recite the Angelus; afterwards he had lunch with doctors, nurses, and members of the Gendarmerie Corps.
- 2023-National Geographic@NatGeo (June 11, 2023) As Prohibition agents destroyed barrels of booze and bootleggers went underground, the United States turned to another substance: ice cream
Quote of the Day
Pope Francis@Pontifex (June 11, 2023) The Eucharist calls us to love God before everything & our brothers & sisters. This Bread is the Sacrament par excellence of love. Christ offers Himself and breaks Himself for us, & asks us to do likewise, so that our life might become bread that feeds our brothers and sisters.