Mark Twain and the Wellerman Come on a Comet – 1830 – 1839

Mark Twain and the Wellerman Come on a Comet – 1830 – 1839 June 24, 2024

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Welcome to the decade where

Mark Twain Enters Earth Riding On A Comet


Eugène Delacroix





Thomas Cole


Delphine LaLaurie  (March 19, 1787 – December 7, 1849), was a New Orleans socialite and serial killer who was believed to have tortured and murdered slaves in her household. Accounts of Delphine’s treatment of her slaves between 1831 and 1834 vary.

On April 10, 1834, a fire broke-out in the Royal Street mansion, beginning in the kitchen. When police and fire marshals reached the residence, they found a 70-year-old cook chained to the stove by her ankle. The cook later said that she had set the fire as a suicide attempt because she feared being punished, stating that slaves taken to the uppermost room “never came back”.

As reported in the New Orleans Bee of April 11, 1834, bystanders responding to the fire attempted to enter the quarters of those enslaved to ensure that everyone had been evacuated. Upon being refused the keys by the LaLauries, the bystanders broke down the doors to the quarters and found “seven slaves, more or less horribly mutilated … suspended by the neck, with their limbs apparently stretched and torn from one extremity to the other”, who claimed to have been imprisoned there for some months.

Karl Bryullov


Picture This

John Orlando Parry – The Poster Man

News of the World


November 30– The Legendary author of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) is born.


Saint Magdalene of Canossa (March 1, 1774 – 10 April 10, 1835) was an Italian professed religious and foundress of the two Canossian congregations.

Joseph Brooks Weller (1802–1835) dies. Joseph along with his brothers George (1805–1875) and Edward (1814–1893), The Weller brothers, Englishmen of Sydney, Australia, and Otago, New Zealand, were the founders of a whaling station on Otago Harbour and New Zealand’s most substantial merchant traders in the 1830s. It is the first enduring European settlement in what is now the City of Dunedin. Their company ships became the basis of the ever popular  sea shanty “Wellerman“. The song was originally collected around 1966 by the New Zealand-based music teacher and folk song compiler, Neil Colquhoun.[8][7] The song has been performed and remixed, with over ten recorded renditions between 1967 and 2005, including by British band The Longest Johns in 2018 and Scottish singer Nathan Evans in 2020 and this version.

Publications Hot of the Press

Edgar Allen Poe publishes the short story Morella,  in the April edition of the Southern Literary Messenger which contains this poem…

At morn—at noon—at twilight dim—
Maria! thou hast heard my hymn!
In joy and wo—in good and ill—
Mother of God, be with me still!
When the Hours flew brightly by,
And not a cloud obscured the sky,
My soul, lest it should truant be,
Thy grace did guide to thine and thee;
Now, when storms of Fate o’ercast
Darkly my Present and my Past,
Let my Future radiant shine
With sweet hopes of thee and thine!

May 8– The first of Hans Christian Andersen‘s 168 fantastic stories are published as Fairy Tales Told for Children. First Collection

August 25 – The first of six articles on discoveries of living creatures on the Moon supposedly made by Herschel and a fictitious companion named Dr. Andrew Grant is published in the New York Sun. This incident is now known as the Great Moon Hoax

Sanctifying Time

All traces of official opposition to heliocentrism by the church disappeared in 1835 when certain works by astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and astronomer Johannes Kepler were finally dropped from the Catholic Church’s Index of forbidden books.

The Sound of Music and Other Cultural Milestones

August 5 – The director of the Collegio Romano at the Vatican, Father Dominique Dumouchel, is the first person to see the return of Halley’s Comet .

Frédéric Chopin – Ballade No. 1

1835-“The ABC Song is the best-known song used to recite the English alphabet in alphabetical order. It is commonly used to teach the alphabet to children in English-speaking countries. “The ABC Song” was first copyrighted  by Boston music publisher Charles Bradlee. The melody is from a 1761 French music book and is also used in other nursery rhymes like “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star“. It is not known who first set the alphabet to this tune. Songs set to the same melody are also used to teach the alphabets of other languages.



Richard Redgrave – Victoria and Albert Museum, London Illustration of Gulliver’s Travels.


  • January 9, 1838 – Spring-Heeled Jack    The Lord Mayor of LondonSir John Cowan, states publicly the misdoings of the person who became known as Spring-Healed Jack. “The unmanly villain has succeeded in depriving seven ladies of their senses, two of whom are not likely to recover, but to become burdens to their families. The affair has now been going on for some time, and, strange to say, the papers are still silent on the subject. The writer has reason to believe that they have the whole history at their finger-ends but, through interested motives, are induced to remain silent”. 


  • Simon Bruté March 20, 1779 – June 26, 1839) was a French missionary in the United States and the first bishop of the Diocese of Vincennes, Indiana. President John Quincy Adams called Bruté “the most learned man of his day in America.” – American Catholic History
  • Among those buried in the graveyard of the earliest Catholic settlement in what is now the state of Arkansas called the Arkansas Post, is Mother Agnes Hart, a member of the Sisters of Loretto of Kentucky. Mother Hart was the superior of the Sisters who came out in 1838 to establish schools for the girls of the region. Mother Hart died of malaria in 1839, but she was held in such high regard that those who buried her placed a bed of roses in her grave on which to lay her body. Then, twelve years later, when they had to move the graveyard, her body was found to be “petrified.” And after a miraculous cure attributed to her intercession in 2007, many regard her as a saint worthy of canonization. (1797 -1839) American Catholic History
  • Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc (c. 1795 –  December 21, 1839) was a Vietnamese Roman Catholic priest. He was executed by beheading during the reign of Minh Mạng.

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The Longest Pope at La Salette -1840’s

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