The Mormon Saturday Evening Post Arrives in the 1820s

The Mormon Saturday Evening Post Arrives in the 1820s June 17, 2024

Last Time on HORATES

Frankenstein’s Silent Night 1810 – 1819 |
A Quick Retrospect Of The Years 1810 – 1819. (

This Time We Take A Look At Around 2 Centuries Ago Starting In


  • Daniel Boone  (November 2, 1734 – September 26, 1820) dies. He was an American pioneer and frontiersman whose exploits made him one of the first folk heroes of the United States. He became famous for his exploration and settlement of Kentucky, which was then beyond the western borders of the Thirteen Colonies.


The Hay Wain –by John Constable,


Moonrise by the Sea Caspar David Friedrich



September 28,1823 – Roman Catholic Cardinal Annibale della Genga is elected Pope Leo XII


Picture This

Caspar David Friedrich – The Sea of Ice

News of the World



Publications Hot of the Press

Sanctifying Time

The Sound of Music and Other Cultural Milestones

O Tannenbaum” lyrics published by Ernst Anschutz

Ludwig van BeethovenSymphony No. 9 in D minor “Choral” Ode to Joy


  • March 4, 1825– John Quincy Adams is sworn in as the sixth President of the United States.
  • October 26, 1825 – The Erie Canal opens, providing passage from Albany, New York to Buffalo and Lake Erie.
  • Ellen’s Third Song“, was composed by Franz Schubert in 1825 as part of his Op. 52, a setting of seven songs from Walter Scott‘s 1810 popular narrative poem The Lady of the Lake, loosely translated into German. It is one of Schubert’s most popular works. Beyond the song as originally composed by Schubert, it is often performed and recorded by many singers under the title “Ave Maria” (the Latin name of the prayer Hail Mary, and also the opening words and refrain of Ellen’s song, a song which is itself a prayer to the Virgin Mary), in musically simplified arrangements and with various lyrics that commonly differ from the original context of the poem. It was arranged in three versions for piano by Franz Liszt.


Red Sails to Capri is a children’s historical novel by Ann Weil. It tells the story of the rediscovery of Capri‘s Blue Grotto in 1826.[1] The novel, illustrated by C. B. Falls, was first published in 1952 and was a Newbery Honor recipient in 1953.


The Milkmaid of Bordeaux   is an oil-on-canvas painting completed between 1825 and 1827, generally attributed to the Spanish artist Francisco Goya (1746–1828). This painting is believed to be one of Goya’s last works, completed the year before his death, and considered one of Goya’s masterpieces.

  • 1827- Tamerlane and Other Poems is the first published work by American writer Edgar Allan Poe. The short collection of poems was first published in 1827. Today, it is believed only 12 copies of the collection still exist.

Evening Star is one of the Other Poems of  Tamerlane

‘Twas noontide of summer,
And mid-time of night;
And stars, in their orbits,
Shone pale, thro’ the light
Of the brighter, cold moon,
‘Mid planets her slaves,
Herself in the Heavens,
Her beam on the waves.
I gazed awhile
On her cold smile;
Too cold—too cold for me—
There pass’d, as a shroud,
A fleecy cloud,
And I turned away to thee,
Proud Evening Star,
In thy glory afar,
And dearer thy beam shall be;
For joy to my heart
Is the proud part
Thou bearest in Heaven at night,
And more I admire
Thy distant fire,
Than that colder, lowly light.

I’ D be a Butterfly born in a bower,
—Where roses and lilies and violets meet;
Roving for ever from flower to flower,
—And kissing all buds that are pretty and sweet!

O could I pilfer the wand of a fairy,
—I’d have a pair of those beautiful wings;
Their summer days’ ramble is sportive and airy,
—They sleep in a rose when the nightingale sings.

Muss i denn  (German for “must I, then”) is a German folk-style song in the Swabian German dialect that has passed into tradition. The present form dates back to 1827, when it was written and made public by Friedrich Silcher.

The melody and some verses of this song became widely known through Elvis Presley‘s adaptation “Wooden Heart” in 1960, as well as Joe Dowell‘s version in 1961, becoming one of the most widely known German songs ever


1828Dr. St. Peter Damian becomes a Doctor of the Church

Peter Damian (far right), depicted with Augustine, Anne, and Elizabeth

Any cleric or monk who seduces young men or boys, or who is apprehended in kissing or in any shameful situation, shall be publicly flogged and shall lose his clerical tonsure. Thus shorn, he shall be disgraced by spitting in his face, bound in iron chains, wasted by six months of close confinement, and for three days each week put on barley bread given him toward evening. Following this period, he shall spend a further six months living in a small segregated courtyard in custody of a spiritual elder, kept busy with manual labor and prayer, subjected to vigils and prayers, forced to walk at all times in the company of two spiritual brothers, never again allowed to associate with young men.
Letter 31:38. To Pope Leo IX, A.D. 1049.
The Fathers of the Church, Medieval Continuation, Peter Damian: Letters 31-60, Owen J. Blum, tr., Catholic University of America Press, vol. 2, p. 29.[1]



Next Time on


Mark Twain and the Wellerman Come on a Comet – 1830 – 1839

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