Everyday Meditations by Blessed John Henry Newman

Everyday Meditations by Blessed John Henry Newman August 15, 2013

everyday_meditationsBlessed John Henry Newman is perhaps one of the most well-known converts to Catholicism in Church history. Thanks to Sophia Institute Press we now have a handy volume with select writings of this great man. Everyday Meditationsgives you an opportunity to increase your faith and learn a little on the spiritual thought of Blessed John Henry Newman. Taking it one step further the book provides a short biographical introduction to John Henry Newman by Bishop James D. Conley.

The book contains 50 meditations covering a wide variety of topics. Subjects include Hope in God the Creator, The Priesthood of Jesus, The Sorrows of Mary, The Effects of Sin, The Food of the Soul and The Sacred Heart.  These need not be read in order. You could either randomly turn to a meditation, or concentrate on topics of interest. The table of contents serves as a handy directory allowing you to flip to the meditation of your liking.

As an example of Newman’s writing style I offer this quote which was one of a number of my favorites. This comes from the meditation The Priesthood of Jesus. “The last day of the earthly exchange between Jesus and Mary was at the wedding feast at Cana. Yet even then there was something taken from that blissful intimacy, for they no longer lived simply for each other, but showed themselves in public and began to take their place in the dispensation that was opening. He manifested forth his glory by his first miracle; and hers also, by making her intercession the medium of it. He honored her still more by breaking through the appointed order of things for her sake and, though his time of miracles had not come, anticipating it at her request. While he wrought his miracle however, he took leave of her in the words “Woman, what is between you and me?” Thus he parted with her absolutely, though he parted with a blessing. It was leaving paradise feeble and alone.”

Small in size, and a total of 166 pages, this book can easily be carried with you and used in a variety of settings. It would work well for daily prayer or Eucharistic Adoration.  Any manner in which it is used will certainly help you grow spiritually.

I received a copy of the book for this review from Sophia Institute Press.

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