The angels welcome their queen into heaven, Mary: Day 173

The angels welcome their queen into heaven, Mary: Day 173 January 10, 2016

year_with_mary_alphonsus_2The angels welcome their queen into heaven

During her life on earth, the angels no doubt stayed close to Mary and her Son. When she went home to heaven, St. Alphonsus concludes, they must have welcomed her with joyous celebration and praise.

Watch as Mary enters that blessed country of heaven in her assumption! The ancient Christian teacher Origen imagines the scene: At her entrance, the heavenly spirits, seeing her so beautiful and glorious, ask the angels coming with her, with united voices of exultation, “Who is that coming up from the wil- derness, flowing with delights, leaning upon her Beloved?” (See Sg 8:5.)

Who can be this creature, so beautiful, who comes from the wilderness of the earth—a place of thorns and tribulation? Yet this one comes pure and rich in virtue, leaning on her beloved Lord, who is graciously pleased to accompany her himself with such great honor. Who is she? The angels accompanying her answer: “She is the mother of our King; she is our queen, and the blessed one among women; full of grace, the saint of saints, the beloved of God, the immac- ulate one, the dove, the fairest of all creatures.”

Then all the blessed spirits begin to bless and praise her, singing as the Jews did to Judith, but with far more reason: “ ‘You are the glory of Jerusalem; you are the joy of Israel; you are the honor of our people’ (see Jdt 15:9). So, then, our Lady and our Queen, you are the glory of paradise, the joy of our country, the honor of us all.

“Be always welcome; be always blessed! Behold your kingdom. Behold us as well, who are your servants, always ready to obey your commands.” All the angels then come to salute her. In reply, she, the great queen, thanks all for the assistance they have given her on earth. Most especially she thanks the archangel Gabriel, who was the happy ambassador, the bearer of all her glories, when he came to announce to her that she was the chosen Mother of God. —St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Glories of Mary

Am I in the habit of thanking the angels who have helped me, as Mary did? Do I regularly express my gratitude especially to my guardian angel and to St. Michael for so often coming to my defense, even when I’m not aware that the Enemy is threatening?

Queen of Heaven, you have made your home with the angels; now make your home in our hearts.

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