Better a prisoner for Christ than an angel; Angel: Day 114

Better a prisoner for Christ than an angel; Angel: Day 114 November 12, 2016

angels_john_chrysostom_2It sounds crazy, says St. John Chrysostom, but a Christian would rather be a prisoner with  Paul than be transformed into an angel in Heaven. Suffering for Christ is the greatest privilege a Christian can ever know.

Yes, to everyone else it seems like folly that to suffer dishonor is to be counted worthy, that to suffer dishonor is to rejoice. But to those who understand the love of Christ, this is what counts as the most blessed thing of all!

If anyone offered me the choice of all Heaven or that chain, I’d prefer the chain. If anyone asked whether he should put me up on high with the angels or with Paul in his shackles, I’d choose the prison. If anyone could change me either into one of those powers that are in Heaven all around the throne, or into a pris- oner like Paul, I’d choose to be the prisoner.

Nothing is more blessed than that chain. If only I could be in that very spot right now—they say the shackles are still there—to see and admire those men for their love of Christ! If only I could see the chains at which the devils fear and tremble, but which the angels reverence!

Nothing is more noble than to suffer any evil for Christ’s sake. –St. John Chrysostom, Homily 8 on Ephesians


What opportunities to suffer for Christ have I passed up recently?


Guardian angel, teach me to prefer God’s presence to everything, every comfort in creation. Holy Apostle St. Paul, intercede for me, that I may be attentive to the angels, as you were, and that they may lead me to heaven, as they led you.

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