Even Satan’s sin accomplished God’s will; Angels: Day 121

Even Satan’s sin accomplished God’s will; Angels: Day 121 November 19, 2016

angels_augustine_3God’s plan is so well thought out that even the sinful free will of Satan and thwicked angels could not go against it. In fact, says St. Augustine, God contrives to use their sin, and ours, to bring about his will.

These are the great “works of the Lord: sought out according to all his wills” (Ps. 111:2). In fact, they are so wisely “sought out” that, when his angelic and human creation sinned—that is, did not do what he willed, but what it willed— he could still accomplish what he himself had willed. And he accomplished it through the same will in his creatures by which the first act against the Creator’s will had been done. As the Supreme Good, he made good use of evil deeds, for the condemnation of those whom he had justly predestined to punishment and for the salvation of those whom he had mercifully predestined to grace.

As far as they were concerned, they were doing what God did not will them to do. But as far as God’s omnipotence is concerned, they were quite unable to achieve their purpose. By their very act of going against his will, they accom- plished his will. This is the meaning of the statement, “Great are the works of the Lord: sought out according to all his wills”: that in a strange and indescribable way even what is done against his will is not done without his will. It would not be done if he did not allow it (and surely his permission is not unwilling but willing), nor would he who is good allow the evil to be done, unless in his omnipotence he could bring good even out of evil. –St. Augustine, Enchiridion, chapter 26


We know that nothing can really be done without God’s will. But is God’s will be- ing accomplished through my own will, as it is with the good angels, or in spite of it, with Satan and his angels?


Lord, make me an instrument of your will, and remove every motion of my spirit that is not in accordance with your will. Make me to serve as your angels serve.

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