The better you get, the humbler you need to be; Church Fathers: Day 263

The better you get, the humbler you need to be; Church Fathers: Day 263 April 19, 2018

Maybe you think you’re doing pretty well in your faith. That’s when you need to be even humbler, says St. Ignatius of Antioch—otherwise the devil will attack you through your pride.

I have great knowledge of God, but I restrain myself. I don’t want to per­ish through boasting. And even if I were confirmed in things that have to do with God, yet then it would be good for me to be even more fearful, and not listen to those who vainly puff me up. For those who commend me scourge me.

It’s true, I do desire to suffer, but I don’t know if I’m worthy to do so. For this longing, though not many can see it, attacks me all the more violently. For that reason I have more need of meekness, which brings the devil, the prince of this world, to nothing.

–St. Ignatius of Antioch, Trallians, 4

NOTE: St. Ignatius’ letter to the Trallians exists in two slightly different forms,

obviously going back to the same source. This excerpt draws on both versions.


What’s my real opinion of my faith?

Do I need a dose of humility?


Lord, grant me humility, and speedily show me the weakness of my pride. Crush Satan and all his wicked influence under my feet.
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