September 3, 2013

My wife is back for her latest review in the Kids Corner. Pauline Press has released the first three of a six book series for children called Gospel Time Trekkers. Readers can follow the adventures of three siblings as they are unexpectedly thrown thousands of years back to the time of Jesus. These children are no longer just reading Bible stories; they are hearing them from people who lived them! The books are written from the point of view of... Read more

September 2, 2013

This weeks interview is with Chad Torgerson author of Waking Up Catholic : A Guide to Catholic Beliefs for Converts, Reverts, and Anyone Becoming Catholic.  You can find my review of that book here. Q: Your book Waking Up Catholic is part conversion story. Could you give my readers an overview of your conversion and how you came to the Catholic faith? A: My journey actually began back in 1997 when I first found Christ and considered myself born again. For more than... Read more

August 30, 2013

This week, author Chad Torgerson has kindly agreed to sponsor the giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of his book Waking Up Catholic : A Guide to Catholic Beliefs for Converts, Reverts, and Anyone Becoming Catholic . Click here to read my review of this book. I use Rafflecopter to run my giveaways which makes it simple for you and me! Click below to enter. The contest starts now and will end 12AM Friday 9/06 with a winner... Read more

August 29, 2013

Waking Up Catholic: A Guide to Catholic Beliefs for Converts, Reverts, and Anyone Becoming Catholic details the journey of author Chad Torgerson’s path to Catholicism. Throughout the book Chad presents his disputes against the Catholic faith and how, after further study he realized, Catholicism was right. In the early part of the book Chad discusses his desire to become a Christian minister. He also goes into some detail about how he debated and refuted Catholic beliefs. After some twist and... Read more

August 26, 2013

Recently I completed my review of Maura’s latest book Camerado, I Give You My Hand. That review can be found here. Below is our delightful interview exchange we recently completed. Q: Could you tell my readers how you found out about Father David Link and what inspired you to tell his story in your new book Camerado, I Give You My Hand? A: I was at the University of Notre Dame on April 29, 2010. My first book, Miracles Every... Read more

August 22, 2013

Camerado, I Give You My Hand: How a Powerful Lawyer-Turned-Priest Is Changing the Lives of Men Behind Bars is one of those books that tells an incredible personal story. Author Maura Poston Zagrans has brought to the readers the moving story of Father David Link. From lawyer, to college dean, father, widower and now priest. It is a story that has to be read to be believed. Maura takes the reader through the incredible life story of Father Dave in... Read more

August 15, 2013

Blessed John Henry Newman is perhaps one of the most well-known converts to Catholicism in Church history. Thanks to Sophia Institute Press we now have a handy volume with select writings of this great man. Everyday Meditationsgives you an opportunity to increase your faith and learn a little on the spiritual thought of Blessed John Henry Newman. Taking it one step further the book provides a short biographical introduction to John Henry Newman by Bishop James D. Conley. The book... Read more

August 11, 2013

Q: In your book The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours you devote an entire chapter to reasons for praying The Liturgy of The Hours. For those who have not read the book yet, could you give some highlights as to why the Liturgy of the Hours is so important and relevant today? A: There are so many reasons. First, this is liturgical prayer–like the mass. It’s the daily public “sacrifice of praise” offered multiple times daily... Read more

August 8, 2013

The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours by Daria Sockey is an invaluable source to anyone wanting to learn about how to go about praying this universal prayer of the Church. Her clear instructions take the mystery out of the page turning and the use of all those ribbons. Daria begins her book with a history of The Liturgy of the Hours. She describes it origins, who prays it and why.  Daria also gives some helpful tips on... Read more

August 5, 2013

This week I had the pleasure to interview Colleen Carroll Campbell. Author and anchor of “EWTN News Nightly. PETE: Your book My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir goes into many details of your personal life. What led your to bring your story to the public? COLLEEN CARROLL CAMPBELL: I didn’t originally intend to write a memoir. My Sisters the Saints actually began as an essay-style book exploring the themes of femininity, feminism and Catholic teaching as it relates to the... Read more

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