Image – Pixelshot / Canvapro
When Witches Attack
Over the weekend, I was part of the first World Goddess Day Fayre ran by the Priestesses of Kernow in Cornwall.
Generally, this was a lovely event.
I was a part of the priestess rituals, I voice-cleansed the temple space in the Celtic traditional way, and I was also a vendor.
But before the doors were even open, another woman came over to see what I was selling.
In that moment, she decided to be cruel, to voice her so-called ‘opinion’ on what I had crafted, and to lay bare for anyone listening her own personal sense of inadequacy.
She was complaining about cinnamon scented beeswax melts shaped like crow skulls.
What she was really complaining about was being in direct competition with another vendor, and the fact that many of her items were clearly recognisable as coming from China.
Afterwards I cleansed the table, the products, and myself, but I was hurt by the behaviour and the intention of this individual.
The entire point of this fayre was to celebrate the divine feminine in many forms, and one another, and the first act of this person was to come over and try and harass and belittle another? It felt unnecessary and heartless.
I had been excited and that drained from me in that moment.
I recovered, and went on to open the ritual and lead a talk about The Morrigan in front of a live audience – which was a bit scary!
But I was proud of myself for overcoming my anxiety and leading the talk. It was well received.
Why it matters
This is a small moment in time, and often when I discuss moments such as these people ask; “Why does it matter? Let it go. Ignore them.”
Perhaps if this was one isolated incident that would be possible, but it is not.
Behaviour such as this is part of a larger problem, indicative of witches being fully susceptible to the conditioning of capitalism and patriarchal thought.
Another Witch thought this was perfectly acceptable behaviour – to insult another witch that they did not know.
To come over and try and damage the self-worth of that Witch.
To lie a curse of words of worthlessness over the table.
I caught that and returned it, because I have seen it before.
I will accept no damage from others, for I hold only the consequences of my actions.
The worth of my creations is not for the jealous to decide – but for those who would have use of them.
And the Gods and Spirits with whom I work.
Image – Pixelshot / Canvapro
The Magical impact
I also believe that ignoring this sort of behaviour allows it to go unconfronted.
It becomes normalised.
Witches are people of action, when the mundane world is failing them, they turn to the spirit world.
To their psychic abilities, and their understanding of how energy works.
That understanding means we know the energetic cost of ignoring what is commonly referred to today as the ‘evil eye.’
When jealousy strikes, it can energetically wound, and leave a poison in the intended.
It was the poison within the caster, which they wished to remove from them, and force upon another.
Energetically this is a magical attack, which is why people are bothered when it happens to them.
It is why we cannot just ‘ignore’ it – because action is required.
The action might be a cleansing and grounding. It could be energetic shielding and warding.
It can also be returning that energy back to where it came from.
Witchcraft works – all the customers passing my stall stopped to smell the wonderful handmade beeswax crow skulls that smell like cinnamon and pumpkin.
So mote it be.