The 10 Best Blogs About Reformed Theology

The 10 Best Blogs About Reformed Theology September 29, 2014

Whether you are new to Reformed Theology or not, it is always helpful to have resources accessible for gospel centered reading. Due to the beauty of the internets there is a wealth of information out there – if you know where to find it.

With this in mind, here are the 10 best blogs to follow about Reformed Theology.

1) Desiring God Blog

Desiring God was founded by John Piper many years ago and has been instrumental in the resurgence of Calvinism in modern evangelicalism. Based off the popular book by Dr. Piper, Desiring God, their slogan is “God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him”. John Piper’s blog, sermons, and books are all worth checking out.

2) Tim Challies Blog

This site, run by Tim Challies, is one of the more popular blogs out there. Tim is a pastor in Toronto and also an avid writer. His site is somewhat cool, in that, it didn’t start off as a blog, as much as, a place for him to post pictures for his family many years ago. It has grown into a fantastic blog.

3) Albert Mohler Blog

Albert Mohler is one of the most sought after Christian voices on this list. He has found himself on media outlets like The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Atlanta Journal/Constitution and The Dallas Morning News. He has also appeared on numerous national Television shows. He is known to write on all sorts of subjects but often writes on current events.

4) Reclaiming The Mind Blog

The Credo House is a coffee shop in Oklahoma City that also doubles as a place to grow your faith. They offer all kinds of courses and educational content for Christians. I have found much of their content very helpful and accessible. They also make a killer cup of coffee if you are in the area. It’s the only place I know that I can drink a cup of Joe under a giant portrait of John Calvin!

5) Reformation 21 Blog

This blog is run by the “Alliance of Confession Individuals”. They are a broad group of reformed thinkers who will publish content of all kinds of topics. Great resource.

6) Tim Keller Blog

Tim Keller has become widely respected among Reformed and non-reformed Christians. He is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. He has worked very hard and developed a fantastic vision and ministry for urban Christianity. His books, and blog, are easy to read but rich in wisdom.

7) James White Blog

My first exposure to James White came over 10 years ago when I watched a video of him debating a Mormon. James White is a brilliant thinker and apologist. He founded Alpha and Omega Ministries and publishes content often geared towards defending the faith.

8) The Gospel Coalition

You are probably wondering why it took 8 posts to get to this one. The Gospel Coalition is one of the most well known of all reformed sites. It seems I can’t make it through a day without seeing one of the posts being shared on social media. This website posts blogs from DA Carson, Kevin DeYoung, and more.

9) Ligonier Ministries Blog

This blog was spun out of RC Sproul’s ministry of the same name. Dr. Sproul, like John Piper, is largely instrumental in the resurgence of reformed thinking. Some might even argue he was blogging before blogging was cool with a radio show.

10) Greenbaggins Blog

This blog, while still under a “wordpress” site, has been around since at least 2005. It is run by Rev. Lane Keister, a PCA Pastor in South Carolina. While this site may not be as well known as some of the others it is  worth your time to follow. Despite not owning his own domain, Rev. Keister has managed over 3 million pages views.

Honorable Mentions: Ligon Duncan’s BlogMonergism Blog, and The Cripplegate.

Any others that I missed? Please recommend them below!

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