We Knew All Along, or at Least Should Have

We Knew All Along, or at Least Should Have July 17, 2015

Image Source: Embryo Week 9-10 by Lunar Caustic; CC 2.0

Image Source: Embryo Week 9-10 by Lunar Caustic; CC 2.0

I don’t think we can fully claim ignorance to what Planned Parenthood has done and will continue to do. Just listen to the last little bit where Cecile Richards courageously declares in response to the aim of shutting down abortion clinics, “…and we will never let that happen.”

We may not have known the depth of the depravity – but can we say we are truly shocked over the tone of this interview? Can we really say we had no idea?

I don’t think we can. I think now we realize this – and part of our outrage is aimed at ourselves for not paying as much attention to this as was needed.

We have, by and large, ignored the American Holocaust.

Everybody knows what Planned Parenthood does – and everyone is aware of the medical research facilities using embryonic STEM cells for furthered research to treat diseases, disabilities, and even certain vaccines. STEM cells have been used to develop potential treatments for ALS, MS, AIDS, Heart Disease, Liver Disease, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and more. Granted, not all of these may use solely embryonic STEM cells, but hey.

If you don’t feel like you are quite getting the deal you need, swing by here for fetal liver at a 10% discount if you apply to become a customer at StemExpress.

I mean, here’s a free pdf of the top 50 global influencers of STEM cell research. Again, they might not all use embryonic STEM cells, but at least you can put a smiling face to those hard at work making the most of a “sensitive situation.”

Also, don’t forget some of the influential echelons, like Michael J. Fox, Christopher Reeves, and Steven Hawking, who have helped make this all possible. Without their voices (and money), how could all of this have progressed? We are, after all, a civilized nation moving forward for the benefit of all mankind.

And don’t forget about this old news on all of those unused embryos from In Vitro.

And even with certain, very common vaccines.

The point being in all of this – you and I have a moral obligation to understand what is done with embryonic cells so that we do not partake with the world in their bloody affair with the abortion industry. My urge here is not to spread vitriolic messages in regard to what Christians have unwittingly done or to spread a blanket condemnation of vaccines. Instead, I am advocating that we have the moral responsibility to function critically in life, knowing what the abortion industry does.

Are you culpable for the abortions of the infants cells used to foster the vaccines for chicken pox, measles, and so forth? No. Do you have a moral obligation to protect life? Absolutely. What then, is the hierarchy of ethics in a situation where we know vaccines to be a gift from God – yet the methodology with which they acquired these same vaccines is damnable?

I can’t tell you what to do – and I realize the authority of a blog post is slim at best. Here though, is a list of my personal convictions on this matter – and I hope you consider them as you navigate through this abundantly twisted issue:

For starters, we explore our options and understand the FOUR main vaccines from aborted cells. Use alternative means when they are available – and make it clear to your pediatrician that you do not wish to use vaccines containing STEM cells when at all possible (or at all). You have a moral obligation to uphold life – and in either case, you are presented with an ethical dilemma on which course of action to take. The people held culpable for the fetuses originally gleaned to make these vaccines are those who acquired them. You must decide if you contain blood upon your hands for using cells that are grown in a lab from these babies.

Cry out for more research to be done using ethical means – and for clear alternatives.

Ask for utter transparency from the medical community and researchers when it comes to these ethical concerns.

Know who and what you are supporting, financially, socially, and so forth. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was one of these cases. Did you know there were alternative research facilities to donate to who used Adult STEM cells rather than embryonic? All it takes is a little diligence. Donate to researchers who refuse to use unethical means to advance the study and treatment of these maladies.

Inform your worldview and choices on these issues from scripture. Scripture is abundantly clear on the issue of abortion. Anything stemming from the killing of infants, no matter what the benefit, comes at an alarmingly high cost. Again, you must decide whether or not you have blood upon your hands for choosing to use such means.

Ethical dilemma or not, I can’t support the slaughter of children to the gods of medical research. No longer can any of us claim ignorance, unless, of course, it is willful ignorance.

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