The Comeback Kid

The Comeback Kid September 10, 2009

Timothy George, Dean of Beason Divinity School, suggests three reasons that Calvinism has made such a popular resurgence:

1) Postmodernity –> As Calvin was a theologian “on the boundary,” a displaced refugee, so he “speaks directly to the homeless mind of many contemporaries looking for a place to stand.”

2) Mystery –> Though often depicted as a cold theological rationalist, Calvin’s theology held a high place for mystery. “Calvinists are willing to live with tension and even antinomy in this world, seeing through a glass darkly in the hope of the glory that shall be reveled.”

3) Long View –> Calvin did not develop a theology for the temporary setting of the Reformation. He “took his stand in the light of eternity undeterred by the vicissitudes of history.” He believed God would win, Christians would be saved, and all would be made right in the world.

Read the whole article here.

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