How do you keep from making video games into idols?

How do you keep from making video games into idols? August 4, 2010

I read an article today about how to help your children fight idolatry in their lives with regard to video games.  The article actually had some really good points, but the editor of the article more or less equated video games with idolatry.  This sort of irked me when I read it.  I probably don’t have to say this, but video games are not, in and of themselves, idols–video games like all other forms of media or activities we participate in only become idols when we misappropriate them in our lives.  After I got over being irked, I began to  reflect on how I use video games and how I might protect myself from misappropriating them to the point of idol status.

So for all our gamers out there, how do you regulate your use of video games?  I think video games certainly bring with them a certain addictive element that encourages spending inordinate amounts of time playing them.  How do we appreciate them in a way that guards against addiction and keeps greater priorities in perspective?

How do we discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness in light of our use of media?  I have a suspicion that we at CAPC have some readers who make an effort to use media responsibly–what does that look like for you?  What checks do you have in place to help guide you in using media in a way that glorifies God?  Share in the comment meta and if there is worthwhile conversation, I will share some checks and balances I have in place with regard to my use of media as well.

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