Bristol, We Have a Situation.

Bristol, We Have a Situation. November 18, 2010

Can I assume that everyone has seen Bristol Palin and “The Situation’s” safe sex PSA? If not, here, let me ruin your day!

What’s noteworthy about this clip isn’t the stars included, but the incredibly muddled message of the PSA itself. After all, they were forced to dance around the glaringly obvious characteristics of their spokespeople: the one who claimed to practice abstinence decidedly hadn’t, and the other doesn’t exactly treat sex all that carefully. And so, the commercial comes across as insincere and optional – particularly because abstinence is dismissed altogether by the end. It only stands to reason that the “safe sex” side of the argument was equally optional.

I have to say, I truly think this is one of those PSAs that does more harm than good, especially if you’re on the abstinence-only side of the argument. Bristol Palin probably should have sat this one out if she’s truly serious about her cause, and not merely her image. Am I wrong?

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