Top 7 Bible Verses About Missions

Top 7 Bible Verses About Missions November 1, 2015

A mission is defined as an important assignment carried out for political, religious, or commercial purposes, typically involving travel. Another definition is the vocation or calling of a religious organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith, and that is the one I want to focus on. As a Christian, I have been saved by God’s grace, love, and mercy, and my corresponding love for him compels me to want to share that good news with others. So here are my top 7 Bible verses about missions.

Matthew 9:35-36 “And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.”

Jesus was the ultimate missionary, as he was always sharing about his father’s love everywhere he went through his teachings and his healings. Like Matthew 9:36 states, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” As followers of Christ, we should likewise care about everyone around us and share with them how God has transformed our lives.

Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

God’s will for us is that we should tell others the good news of our salvation. This verse is a clear directive to do just that. Our “mission” is to go to the world to teach, baptize and make disciples in the name of the holy Trinity. Although this may seem like a daunting task, we can begin by walking out of our front doors and just telling our neighbors about the love that we have received from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Mark 6:7 “And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.”

Another biblical example of the importance of doing missions is the fact that Jesus sent his own 12 disciples to go out in pairs to show God’s love to everyone they met. He gave them authority to heal the sick and to cast out demons, so that they could bless everyone they came into contact with. Following him and hearing the truth was invaluable to their spiritual growth, but then they also needed to go out and put it into practice. This was certainly a case where their ministry plus their testimony equaled their mission.

Mark 16:15 “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Bible Verses For Missions

This Scripture in the book of Mark reiterates what our call is as Christians. We are to go out and proclaim the gospel to everyone we come across. It is not an option; rather it is a command for us as followers of Christ. God’s love for us saves us, so our love for him inspires us to share the good news of salvation with others as well.

Luke 10:2 “And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

There are a lot of sad and hurting people in the world today who are looking for a purpose and some hope. Jesus Christ is our joy and our salvation, and we need for all followers of “the way” to tell others that good news. So this verse in Luke is a reminder to ask God for additional laborers in his harvest that are willing to go wherever the Lord leads them. Likewise, we need to be willing to go where he tells us to go as well. My own parents were missionaries in Chile for over 20 years, and our whole family was blessed because of their obedience to God’s calling to serve him in another country.

Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

These were some of the final words that Jesus spoke to his disciples before he ascended to heaven, and they were of crucial importance. He reminded them that they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that they would be empowered to be his witnesses around the world. When we are saved, we also receive the Holy Spirit, and it is he that blesses us with the boldness, the discernment, and the words to share with others about Jesus. It encourages me to know that I don’t have to depend on my own words or wisdom when giving my testimony to others. The Lord will anoint me as I obediently follow his guidance.

Acts 15:3 “So, being sent on their way by the church, they passed through both Phoenicia and Samaria, describing in detail the conversion of the Gentiles, and brought great joy to all the brothers.”

To round off my top seven Bible verses about missions, I chose this verse about the apostle Paul and Barnabas returning to Jerusalem after one of their missionary journeys. They were able to share with leaders about the conversion of many during their travels, and this brought great joy to everyone. They had been sent by the church to share the good news of Jesus Christ all around Phoenicia and Samaria. So if this was important to the early church then likewise it should be a priority for us today.


The Scriptures clearly state that we should be involved in local and foreign missions. We are commanded to go out and tell others about the joy of our salvation. As Christians, we do this out of love because of God’s great mercy and compassion for us. Our ministry and our testimony equal our mission, and we should be willing to go to the ends of the earth in love and with hope with the good news of our salvation.

Written by Karla Hawkins

I am very grateful to be a Christian author, editor and translator. Some of my favorite pastimes include traveling, and connecting with family and friends via social media. When I am not working, I love spending time with my family and especially with both of my precious grandsons.

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